Chapter 298

Allison cooled her jets and pretended everything was peachy, “Mom, what’s up?”

“Nothing much, just saw that the sheets have been changed…”

Allison chuckled, “Mom, I did that for you. Those sheets have been there for days. I put on new ones, do you like them? It’s the new one I got the other day”

Grace, watching Allison’s expression, smiled a bit nervously, “I could have changed them myself. Did you see the watch I put under my pillow?”

Allison’s eyes widened, “Watch? What watch? I have no clue that you have a watch under your pillow. I didn’t notice anything like that when I was changing the sheets…” She knew Grace was testing her waters. There was no watch under Grace’s pillow, just a diary.

Grace breathed a sigh of relief. Never mind, I must have misplaced it. I’ll go cook.” She turned around, went back to her bedroom, grabbed the diary, held it tightly, then put it back into the drawer and locked it.

On the balcony, Allison watched Grace’s retreating figure, her gaze darkened

didn’t want to dwell on it. Her mom was her only family. Yet,

clenched tightly around

That night,

the private room of Red

with legs crossed. A drink was passed over to him, and he waved it

Nick? You’re already tapped out?”

the teasing comments, he waved his

on the dark red leather

women, but there were no women around Nicholas. His family was strict, he had no interest in such matters, and he also wasn’t the type to be interested in the women working in these

is James coming? Didnt he say he was going

up, let me check.” He made

looking at a passing girl and grabbed her arm, “Allison, help me out.” Allison was in the room next to the

bolted for the

order with the server, Vera. Since she was covering, she couldn’t leave, so she asked Vera to

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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