Chapter 130: Daniel is attacked.

Daniel closed his eyes, replaying the terse negotiations in his mind. He'd have to-

A deafening explosion rocked the car, shattering the rear window and sending glass stands flying through the interior. The Maserati swerved violently, tires screeching against the asphalt. "Merda!" Luca shouted, fighting to regain control of the vehicle. "We're under attack

Daniel's hand flew to his side, drawing his gun with practiced ease. "How many?" be bades ducking low in his seat as a spray of bullets descended on his car.

"At least two vehicles," Luca reported, his knuckles white on the steering wheel "Black Suis, no plates. Came out of nowhere."

Daniel's mind raced. The Dantes? No, they wouldn't dare, not so soon after the meeting. This had to be someone else. But who?

"Lose them," Daniel ordered, his voice cold and steady despite the chaos. "Take the back roads. Now!"

Luca nodded, yanking the wheel hard to the right The Maserati fishtailed around a tight corner, tires screaming in protest. Daniel braced himself against the door, his free hand reaching for his phone. "Salvatore," he barked as soon as the call connected. "We're under attack. Two miles east of the Castel Road meeting point. Send backup, now!"

He ended the call without waiting for a response Salvatore would come through; he always did

Chapter 130 Daniel attacked

The pursuing vehicles were gaining ground, their high beams flooding the Maserati's interior with harsh light. Daniel twisted in his seat, aiming his gun out the shattered rear window. He let out three shots in quick succession, aiming for the lead SUV's tires.

A satisfying pop and the screech of metal on asphalt told him at least one bullet had found its mark. The lead SUV swerved wildly before going off the road and into a ditch.

a grim smile

SUV, tearing through the Maserati's trunk and

out, his eyes wide

hand against the wound. Warm blood seeped

barely wide enough for two cars and lined with dense foliage on both sides. The Maserati's powerful engine roared as they took each curve at breakneck speed,

about three kilometers ahead," Luca said, his voice tense with concentration. "Used to belong to

the weight of the family business had settled on his shoulders. "Good thinking. We'll

the Maserati's frame. Daniel twisted again, returning fire with his remaining bullets. The recoil sent fresh waves of pain through his injured arm, but he grated his teeth and kept shooting. "Shit!" Luca suddenly shouted. The Maserati lurched violently,

spun with the car. Daniel braced himself as the car left the road, crashing through the underbrush. Branches whipped at the windshield, leaves and twigs filling the interior through

a halt against a massive oak tree. For a moment, everything was silent, save for the hissing

against the

him. "I'm... I'm alright, boss,"

said, forcing his door open. "They'll be on us

called out in a small town dialect, confirming Daniel's suspicions. These were locals... So he was delayed at the meeting for this reason. "This way," Luca whispered, stumbling

the gravity of the situation, Daniel felt a rush of gratitude for his guard's

as quickly and quietly as they could

the only priority. The sounds of their pursuers grew fainter as they put distance between themselves and the crash site. After what felt like hours but was likely only twenty minutes, Luca held up a hand, signaling a

the dark silhouette of a small, rustic building. Memories flooded back. He really recalled

it," he ordered Luca. "Make sure

an ankle holster. He crept forward, staying low and using the shadows for cover. Daniel watched, his own empty gun held

few minutes, Luca reappeared at the lodge's door, waving Daniel forward. "All clear, boss. It looks like no one's been here

of relief as he crossed the clearing and entered the lodge. The musty smell from not being used hit him immediately, along with a wave of dizziness. The adrenaline that had kept him going was starting to wear

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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