Chapter 142: Hijacking

A team of intelligence agents, led by Special Agent Derek Hawkins, swarmed into the room. Their weapons were drawn, faces set in grim determination.

"Edward Ricardo," Hawkins called out, his voice ringing with authority, "you are under arrest for racketeering, conspiracy, and a host of other federal crimes. Stand up slowly and put your hands where we can see them."

For a moment, Ricardo considered resistance. His hand inched towards the hidden compartment on his desk where he kept a pistol. But as he looked into the hard eyes of the agents surrounding him, he knew it was useless. With a heavy sigh, he raised his hands. "I suppose asking for my phone call would be too much to hope for?" Ricardo asked, a hint of his old arrogance creeping into his voice.

Hawkins stepped forward, roughly pulling Ricardo's arms behind his back and securing them with handcuffs. "You'll get your phone call, Mr. Ricardo. But right now, you're coming with us.


As the agents led the former President out of the office, out of the White House he had occupied for years, Ricardo's mind spun. How had it all gone so wrong? Who had betrayed him? And more importantly, what moves did he have left to play?

The news of Ricardo's arrest spread like wildfire through the capital, and beyond, Social media exploded with reactions, with hashtags trending worldwide as people struggled to come to terms with the unprecedented scandal.

#PresidentArrested #RicardoGuilty

#TwelveGuns Takedown

In the halls of Parliament, the initial shock of the impeachment was giving way to frantic activity. Senator Claire Donovan, her face grave, addressed her colleagues.

"While we have taken the necessary step of removing Edward Ricardo from office, we should consider farther than the president," she declared. "From the evidence at hand, we must investigate how this corruption was allowed to take root and flourish at the highest levels of our government."

the chamber. Marcus

a special committee," he said, his voice firm. "One with the resources to investigate not just the former President's activities but also any intelligence agencies

to a vote. It passed unanimously. The newly formed. Committee for Government Integrity would have broad powers to subpoena witnesses, access classified documents,

the citizens of the nation struggled to process the shocking turn of events. Online forums and social media

was buzzing with news. It

Mercy stared at the television in disbelief. The news of Ricardo's arrest played on repeat. The entire country knew. Of all the things he thought that the Shaw family would do with the information,. They find it; this was not it. With shaking

freeze. Footsteps approached, and then Justin

he asked, his eyes taking in the half-packed suitcase on the


have to leave, Justin. The Twelve Guns will be tying up loose ends. I know too much.

steady in contrast to Mercy's panic." You're already in hiding, Mercy. No

her head. "I can't

moment, his expression thoughtful. Then he asked quietly, "Are

half-folded in her grip. "Daniel can protect Anya," she said, but her

for so long; she's like a

down onto the bed, the fight draining out of her. "I... I

not touching her. "I understand you're scared, Mercy. But running isn't always the answer. Sometimes, the bravest thing we can

up at him, her eyes searching his face. "You think I


her. You are more afraid of seeing Anya than getting caught by those 22 guns," he said. Mercy looked away. She could not admit that he

at this moment, about

the opposite bench. The doors slammed shut

Edward closed his

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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