Chapter 185: Mass resignation.

A tight smile tugged at the corners of Samuel's mouth, and he leaned back in his chair, drumming his fingers before him. "Richard is merely releasing his anger, nothing more. He'll come to his senses soon enough."

Mr. Bean's eyes remained leveled, and he nodded to his boss, old Master Madison. "The young master seems to be really angry this time, sir. He may really attack you, sir."

Samuel's smile broadened, revealing a row of perfectly preserved teeth. "That grandson of mine has always had a ruthless streak. Who would have thought he would turn it against his grandfather? Just take some precautions. After he calms down, I will talk to him about returning to the company."

"Young Master does not seem to want to let this go, sir." Mr. Bean said, his face blank without feeling. "Maybe you should reconsider "

"I did what was necessary," Samuel interjected, his tone brooking no argument. "He dares marry someone without telling me. And actually captured the daughter of the Hayes family


Before Mr. Bean could respond, a sharp rap sounded at the door, and a young woman in a crisp business suit stepped into the office, her face pale and drawn. "Excuse me, Mr. Madison," she said, her voice trembling slightly. "I'm afraid I have some rather distressing news."

Samuel inclined his head, fixing the woman with an impassive stare. "Go on, Miss Thompson."

The woman swallowed hard, her gaze darting between Sámuel and Mr. Bean. "It's not just young master Richard who has resigned, sir. Over the past few hours, nearly all of the directors have followed suit, citing a loss of faith in the company's leadership." A heavy silence descended upon the room, broken only by the faint ticking of an antique clock

Chapter 185 Mass resignation.

Samuel's expression remained inscrutable, but a muscle twitched in his jaw, betraying the slightest

far," he muttered, his fingers tightening around the arms of his chair." Richard is allowing his emotions to cloud his judgment, and now he's dragging the entire company down with

hands clasped tightly in front of her. "What are your orders, sir?" he

his family that adorned the desk-a reminder of the legacy he had built and the sacrifices he had made to ensure its survival. For a moment, he seemed to age before their very eyes, the weight of

his voice disbelieving. He then proceeds to break out into mad laughter before saying,

was already causing a stir in the media and online. News outlets scrambled to piece

debate raged on, with armchair analysts weighing in with their own theories. Some suggested that Richard had simply grown disillusioned with the company's direction, while others posited more

heard Madison Industries was cooking the books," one anonymous commenter wrote, "and Richard refused to be a part

"This is clearly a hostile takeover attempt,


nor denying the swirling allegations. His absence from the public eye only served to fuel the

with reports of mass resignations and plummeting stock prices dominating the headlines. Financial analysts warned of an impending disaster, while industry insiders whispered of a company teetering on the brink of collapse. Yet, through it all, the true catalyst for the crisis remained shrouded in mystery, known only to a select few within the company's innermost circles-a twisted tale of ambition, betrayal, and the lengths to

Articles were written, dissected, and shared, each one attempting to shed light on the enigmatic circumstances surrounding Richard Madison's abrupt exit, yet none


across the towering skyscrapers, Samuel paced the length of his office, his polished shoes clacked against the hardwood floor in a staccato rhythm. The incessant ringing of the telephone on his desk punctuated the tense silence, each shrill tone

voice level. "They're demanding answers about the resignation crisis and the plummeting stock prices." Samuel waved a dismissive hand. "Then I shall give them answers," he growled, snatching up the receiver mid-ring. "Madison Industries," he barked into the mouthpiece. "Mr. Madison, we're hearing rumors of a government raid on Madison Industries' corporate headquarters. Is it true? Have we been implicated in

that those rumors are entirely unfounded. Madison Industries has always operated within the bounds of the law, and we have no reason to fear any sort of investigation." His words seemed to do little to help the shareholder's fears, and she launched into a fresh

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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