Chapter 243: Invitation

Hazel had barely left the security office with the damning surveillance footage when her phone started ringing. She didn't recognize the number at first glance, but felt her blood run cold when she answered and the chillingly familiar voice on the other end spoke. "Well, hello there Mrs. Green. Don't tell me you've forgotten all about your dear husband already?" The syrupy words oozed from the phone as Marcus Green chuckled darkly.

Hazel's mouth went dry as the events from that fateful night at the hospital came rushing back. In her haste to deal with the mess she was currently under, she had actually managed to temporarily put Marcus and his criminal underworld from her mind. "O-Of course not," she stammered, trying to regain her composure. "I've just been... preoccupied."

She was quite brave with other people, but Marcus scared her deeply.

"Is that so?" Marcus replied smoothly. "Well, allow me to refocus your attention then, darling. I'm in need of a little favor from my dear wife."

Hazel felt her chest tighten with dread. Just what sort of nefarious demand was this mobster about to make of her? She drew a shaky breath, steadying her nerves.

"I've got a bit of a craving for some porridge from that little seafood joint downtown," Marcus continued in an almost bored tone. "You know the place famous for their fish soup with all the scrumptious morsels. I wouldn't be asking too much if I asked you to stop over and pick me up an order on your way to the hospital this evening, would I?"

He said it so casually, like a doting husband asking his spouse to pick up some groceries. But Hazel could detect the thinly veiled threat lying behind the request, that polite facade barely covering the sneering don who thought he owned her now.

Part of her wanted to angrily protest why didn't he just send one of his beefy man-thugs to fetch his food? But she held her tongue, knowing full well thayvshe did nkt yet understand this man. There could be consequences. But she knew Marcus was at this moment disastrous for her mental health, perhaps even fatal.

Hazel replied, her voice wavering slightly as she swallowed hard." Consider it

should get on it as soon as you leave

peddle her out, and now Marcus had re-emerged to dangle his own set of threats over her head.

It was like she was being slowly crushed beneath the sheer

deep, steadying breath, Hazel straightened her spine and started heading back

Breathe in, Breathe out.

a few scumbags. She could handle a

settled at her desk and began pecking away at her computer, Hazel felt a strange sense of calm determination settle

know if she was truly calm or she was just

plotted against, gossiped about and running his stupid errands, she had reached her breaking point. If someone dared to speak one word to her,

Mr. Reeds and those investors....well, Hazel would play along to their twisted little tune as well. For now. Let the corrupt sleazebags at HUG Tech think they

ticked by as Hazel forced herself to focus on wrapping up her remaining tasks and projects, knowing she was about to burn every last bridge at this pillar of corporate peace the moment she stepped out of the office that day. If this company survived after what she does

seafood place she had hoped to pick up food for Marcus was not

but also worry over how Marcus might react to her defiance. She wondered if he would think


car engine revving behind her. She glanced over her shoulder to see a sleek black sedan

It was none other than Jack Reeds himself, wearing an Impeccably-tailored suit as always. "A word, if you please?" Hazel felt her throat constrict as she approached the car, putting on a terse smile. "Good evening, Mr. Reeds.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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