Hertha was like a deer caught in headlights, her eyes darting to the door in panic.

Oh no, her mom was back!

Of all the times for her mom to return!

Hertha leaped up, rushing to Alaric, grabbing his shoulders with a tense expression.

Alaric, with a smirk playing on his lips and his charming eyes lifting in amusement, looked at her mischievously.

"What's the rush? Can't wait any longer?"

"Cut the crap, get up!" Hertha pulled him to his feet, looking around desperately for a hiding spot.

But the key was already turning in the lock, the door about to open.

on Alaric's shoulders, forcing him to crouch down. She bent over, trying to shove him

enough for Alaric's arm, but Hertha wasn't thinking clearly about the size

you doing?" Kimberly walked in, surprised to see Hertha pushing a man's head down, trying to squeeze him next to the

skipped a beat, and as she

an awkward smile, Hertha hadn't even begun to explain when Alaric started to resist, raising his head and straightening his shoulders with a frown, "Hertha, where exactly are you trying to

key words in Alaric's

mind unwillingly conjured images of Hertha and Alaric kissing passionately on the couch, Hertha attempting to undress

scenario was thrilling, too intimate for Kimberly to

embarrassment, "Hertha, you little rascal, haven't I made myself clear? He has issues with you having two kids, he's not going to be with you! He came here to break things off, and you're still dragging him into

me!" Hertha winced in pain, her ear feeling like it was about to be

Alaric, realizing Kimberly's words

jab at

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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