Thalassa hurriedly opened the box, revealing the gleaming piece to the assembled press.

"Here's the real deal I submitted to the show! Genuine gold and silver, with real gemstones to boot! We've got an expert right here who can verify it on the spot!" Thalassa exclaimed, her voice brimming with urgency.

Susan shot Callum a venomous look, her anger barely contained. "Even if your original is legit, it doesn't prove you didn't enter the competition with that cheap knockoff, trying to sabotage my piece!" Just as Thalassa was about to retort, Callum, with his striking looks and serious demeanor, addressed Susan. "I have surveillance footage that proves Thalassa's design was swapped with the counterfeit. This was a setup."

In his hand, he held a USB drive.


Susan's heart skipped a beat, a flash of panic crossing her eyes. But she quickly regained her composure, laughing it off. "Well, if there's footage, let's see it. Show everyone Thalassa's 'innocence"!" Callum, gripping the USB tightly, replied, "That's exactly my plan."

He then approached the event organizer, Cody, whispered something to him, and they both headed backstage.

Moments later, the large screen at the venue lit up with video footage.

It showed Susan sneaking into the storage area, looking around to make sure she was alone before swiftly finding Thalassa's original piece and exchanging it with an identical jewelry box she had prepared. The real jewelry box was then taken by Susan.

As the video ended, murmurs and sighs filled the room, all eyes turning towards Susan.

"So, it was the model who set up the designer!"

scheme, to sabotage someone else to

an instant, Susan

everyone's scorn.

Delief, muttering to h



could there bece?"

Callum's gaze was stern as he confronted

The surveillance was supposed to be" Susan, frantic,

two police officers appeared from backstage, quickly subduing Susan and

Susan was

defiance, "Thalassa



do you

you pay

down, behave yourself!" the officers commanded, urging her to calm

the scandal finally came

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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