Thalassa couldn't help but return the smile, acknowledging the greeting.

Cody kept the energy high as he announced, "Our second showcase is by contestant number eight, Heidi. Following her is number three, Thalassa."

As Cody introduced the designers, their creations were presented in grand, velvet-lined display cases on the stage, each accompanied by a voting box for the audience to cast their ballots.

Cody, ever the showman, explained the voting process with a grin, "We have ten patrons here tonight, each with a single vote to cast. Our esteemed patrons will vote for the design that resonates most with their personal aesthetic. The designer with the most votes will be crowned the winner of this semifinal round!"

This method of voting was seen as both fair and transparent by everyone involved.

asked to write down the


she couldn't help but glance over at Zoey, who was also

stoic, offered Thalassa a warm,

a small gesture of camaraderie before they

our three talented designers has taken the lead. Well, the results

little to ease

"Contestant number five, Zoey, with three votes! Contestant number eight, Heidi, also threevotes!

room was stunned into silence at the

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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