Thalassa didn't argue back. To get the answers she needed, confronting Susan directly was the best approach. After all, Callum was only there to uncover the truth for her. How could he possibly know the details of how Susan set her up?

They soon arrived at the police station. Susan was locked up, crouched in a cell, looking defeated and as miserable as a stray dog caught in a storm.

"Susan, get up. You've got visitors!" The officer banged on the metal door authoritatively.

Lifting her head slowly, Susan's dim gaze landed on Thalassa, and then on Callum standing beside her. Her eyes suddenly sparked to life. Scrambling to her feet, she rushed to the bars, gripping them tightly, her voice urgent as she addressed Callum, "Why did it take you so long to get here?"

Thalassa immediately stepped in front of Callum, eyeing Susan warily, "Mr. Gordon was gathering evidence for me. Why are you so bitter towards me?"

tried to pierce past Thalassa, fixated on Callum with a clear plea in her

Susan's briefly brightened eyes dimmed again, fear taking over. She lowered her lashes, only to sharply look up again, her gaze fierce as she

The officer rapped on the door

authority, Susan slightly moderated her tone but her breathing was heavy with anger, her eyes still brimming with hatred and ferocity as

can't deny it!" Thalassa's voice was cold as she laid out Susan's crimes. "The footage was supposed to be deleted. How could it still be shown? I refuse to accept this!" Susan,

Haven't you heard of data recovery?" Thalassa mocked her naivety. Susan

at the

her efforts to delete it, there it was, for all to see. Indeed, data recovery had revealed her deception and persecution of Thalassa, leading to her

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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