En route to Royal Estates, Thalassa rehearsed her apology to Lysander in her mind, trying to untangle the misunderstanding that had lingered between them for years. She had once wrongfully accused him of being behind her mother's demise, a plot actually orchestrated by Callum, leaving Lysander unfairly blamed. She knew she owed him an apology for her coldness.

Feeling somewhat prepared, her car pulled up at the gates of Royal Estates. Stepping out, she approached the security guard, "I'm Thalassa, I need to see Lysander."

"Ms. Everhart, please come in," the guard replied, respectfully ushering her through.

To Thalassa's surprise, her access to Royal Estates remained unrestricted. The mansion's doors stood welcomingly open, light spilling out into the night, creating a beacon of warmth in the darkness.

in a silk nightgown, her hair damp, she moved with a grace that captivated the room, settling beside Lysander with a familiarity that spoke volumes. Her gaze on him

to bed," she whispered,

heart pounding. Rosalind,

Thalassa, softened momentarily before responding to Rosalind, "Alright, help me to the elevator, let's call

stifled her breath. With no

she stepped outside, tears breached her defenses, the chill night air accentuating the sting of

a moment of intimacy between Lysander and Rosalind, rendering her intentions meaningless. Lysander's life had moved on, with or

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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