She couldn't believe it. All this time, Thalassa thought Joshua had come up with some genius strategy to pull the Whitman Group out of its slump. But no, his grand plan was to ride on Lysander's coattails to save the company's reputation!

After all, Lysander was a titan in the business world, a name that could send shivers down the spine of his competitors. His prowess and audacity were beyond question.

With Joshua stepping down, the personal reputation issues plaguing the Whitman Group's CEO would vanish, allowing the stock to recover. And with Lysander's international renown, his taking over would surely lure more partners to the Whitman Group.

More partnerships meant a better reputation, which, in turn, meant only one thing for the company's stocks: they were going up.

Joshua was a sly old fox, alright. This move would only make the Whitman Group stronger.

Turning around, Thalassa saw Hertha looking utterly dejected. She couldn't help but burst out in indignation, "What in the world is Joshua playing at? For three years, he keeps you hidden from the media, and the moment he acknowledges you, he marries off his youngest daughter to Lysander and hands over the company. Is he recognizing you or using you?"

thought about it, the angrier she became. Just yesterday, she thought Thalassa was finally getting the fatherly love she deserved. But today? Today was an entirely different story.

was just

He's in love with power, with the endless wealth!"


everyone for their

seated in a wheelchair, silent and


though he was looking right at her, his penetrating gaze seeming to peer into her very soul, causing her heart

Whitman Group? Is it to solve the company's crisis, or is it out of love?"

asked, "What

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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