Alaric's car was jolted violently, and once it came to a stop, he realized he had hit another vehicle. Rushing out, he went to check on the occupants of the other car. At first glance, he saw a woman slumped over in the passenger seat, her face turning towards him, and his heart skipped a beat as he exclaimed, "Hertha!" It was Hertha's car he had hit!

Beyond shocked, his gaze then landed on another woman passed out in the driver's seat, her head resting against the steering wheel, blood trickling down from it. Although he couldn't see her face clearly, the shape of her body and her attire were unmistakable to Alaric. It was Thalassa!

"Hertha, Thalassa!" Alaric grew even more frantic.

He initially wanted to open the door and get them out but then remembered the first-aid training he had received: never move injured persons carelessly.

Halting his actions, Alaric immediately called 911, then dialed the police to report the accident.

Soon after, the police and an ambulance arrived. The officers quickly assessed the situation, and the paramedics lifted Thalassa and Hertha into the ambulance. Alaric hurriedly followed. Feeling extremely anxious, he arrived at the hospital to find Thalassa rushed into the emergency room, while Hertha was taken to a ward.

Alaric urgently asked the doctor, "How are they doing?"

The doctor replied, "The passenger is fine; she was just drunk and passed out. The driver, however, has a head injury and is in critical condition." "What?" Alaric's mind went blank. Thalassa had a head injury and was fighting for her life. This could mean life or death.

ago, Lysander had suffered a head injury and was bedridden

had done everything to bring

a head injury, and if anything

couldn't bear to think

Room" and took out his phone

choked by fear and guilt, managed to say, "Lysander, Thalassa's in

on the other end, but even through the

hurriedly said, "I had just picked up the family records from my mom, rushing to get a marriage license with Hertha. I was driving too

voice was

moment, Alaric relayed

another word,

and washed his face with his hands, feeling

okay. Otherwise, Lysander will

pacing outside the

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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