Alaric quickly stepped in front of Hertha. "Thalassa is out cold right now, and it's her head that's injured. We shouldn't disturb her; it could be dangerous."

Hertha found her path blocked by Alaric's arm. Unable to get by, she tilted her body to get a better look at Thalassa. She saw that Thalassa's forehead was wrapped in gauze, her eyes closed, completely motionless.

Hertha strained her memory, trying to piece together what had happened.

All she remembered was drinking at a bar with Thalassa, and after getting drunk, Thalassa had helped her into the car.

Beyond that, Hertha's memory was a blank. She couldn't remember a thing.

Looking at Alaric, her expression filled with confusion and worry, she asked, "What happened exactly?"

Hertha's intense, worried gaze made Alaric shift his eyes away, feeling guilty and evasive. He stuttered, "I got the household registration book."

"What, you got the household registration book?" Hertha was shocked, gripping Alaric's sleeve excitedly. "How did you get it? Wait, I'm asking about Thalassa. What happened to her, not the household registration book."

Just as Hertha was about to press for details, she realized Alaric was dodging the question. Her nerves tensed, and she asked sternly, "What happened?"

"I got the household registration book. I was so thrilled I rushed to find you and wasn't watching my speed. I hit your car," Alaric blurted out the cause of the accident, bracing himself.

injured Thalassa like this?" Hertha was stunned, her breathing erratic

didn't fight back, letting

and exhausted, stopped hitting him. "Why didn't

usually bright, were downturned.

tears swiftly filled her eyes. She dived into Alaric's arms, sobbing, "You jerk, you disappeared without a word, and then you come back and hit us! Do you know why I was drinking? Jerk, did you think it was easy for me to trust

Hertha voiced her

sobering up, her heart felt

sobering up, it felt as if her heart

fault. I was undercover with the Falconer family for four days to get that household registration book. I was so excited after getting it, I ended up hitting your car. Thank God you're both okay, or I'd never forgive myself," Alaric's voice was hoarse with guilt, comforting Hertha as he

out all her pent-up feelings. After a while,

she was relieved Alaric was

said it's


days of rest

infection should do

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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