"What? Lysander and Rosalind are getting married today?" Hertha exclaimed, snatching the smartphone from Alaric's hands in disbelief.

Thalassa looked up, startled, her cheeks still streaked with tears she hadn't yet wiped away. She was shocked to see the phone in Hertha's hand.

"Thalassa, look, this is really Lysander and Rosalind's wedding!" Hertha handed the phone to Thalassa.

The video on the screen showed a lavish scene at the Starhaven International Hotel's grand ballroom.

The place was dripping in luxury, with massive crystal chandeliers hanging from the ceiling, creating an atmosphere of opulence and grandeur.

The guests were a sea of suits and couture, clearly a gathering of the crème de la crème, mostly business moguls and high society figures.

After a quick sweep through the guests, the camera focused on a stage laid out with a red carpet, flanked by bunches of fiery red roses, blending wealth and romance seamlessly.

The emcee, microphone in hand, was delivering the opening speech of the ceremony.

"Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the wedding of Mr. Sinclair and Miss Rosalind. The auspicious moment is upon us shortly, please bear with us as the bride and groom make their grand entrance."

International Hotel, you're the only one who

Aren't you going to stop

her sides, clenched tightly. For a moment, she wanted to throw caution to the wind and rush over to tell Lysander she didn't want him

memory of her last visit to the Royal Estates, intending to confront Lysander about a misunderstanding involving her mother's death, only to find Rosalind in

relaxed, she shook her head, "It's his choice,

want to marry

nothing to do

her heart had ease

Lysander, but that

Lysander, it made

up now, she'd only turn into the

believe it. It

suppress her feelings

another woman

ever impulsive, couldn't stand it anymore. She grabbed Thalassa's

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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