As Derek stirred awake, he rolled over, reaching out instinctively, but his hand met only cool sheets.

Groggily, he opened his eyes, blinking against the sunlight.

When he saw that the other side of the bed was empty, he sat up, the remnants of sleep clinging to him, and looked around the quiet room.

He glanced at the clock on the nightstand - it was eight in the morning. He frowned, running a hand through his tousled hair.

He swung his legs over the side of the bed, planting his feet on the plush carpet.

He stood, stretching, and took a slow lap around the suite. Her clothes were gone, he noticed. The only trace of her was the subtle fragrance that still hung in the air.

Her scent lingered in the room, a faint, tantalizing reminder of her presence.

He remembered the night vividly: the intensity, the passion, the way her presence had ignited something in him. But now, she was gone.

Frustration gnawed at him. He had just returned to the country the previous day, and the jet lag had hit him hard. He had slept more soundly than he had in weeks, and in his deep sleep, he hadn't heard her leave.

Derek grabbed his phone from the nightstand and dialed his driver. It rang twice before the familiar voice answered. "Good morning, Mr. Stone."

"The lady from yesterday, is her car still parked outside?" Derek asked, not bothering with pleasantries.

"No, sir," the driver replied. "I didn't see the car when I got here an hour ago."

He cursed under his breath, thanking the driver before hanging up. He paced the room, his mind racing:

He had no way of finding her, no clue about who she was or where she had gone. The realization only added to his frustration.

a deep breath,

nothing he could do about it now but hope

to ease the tension in his muscles. His thoughts kept

and toweled off, his mind gradually

dressed meticulously, choosing a crisp white shirt and a tailored suit. As he

the phone between his ear and shoulder as he

I just heard

wasn't hurt," he assured her

come home," she said, her voice tinged with

for?" he echoed, confused. "What about

off, dear. There won't be a wedding,"

cousin. The wedding has been

cufflink forgotten. "What

his mother sighed. "Just

Michael will explain everything to

be there soon," he said, ending the

at his reflection in the mirror, his mind reeling. The bride had jilted his cousin? This day was turning out

With one last glance around the room, he left the suite, the scent of her perfume still faintly lingering in the

to his family

was she? Why had she left without a word? And what on earth had happened with his cousin's

his mother met him at the door, her face

she said, pulling

going on?" Derek

go to the study. Your dad

asked as soon as the

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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