Chapter 50

The next morning, instead of going to Stone Corp

pas usual, Evelyn headed for her office at Empowered.

She had received a call from Susan the previous night, informing her that the board was having a meeting that morning to discuss disciplinary measures for her, and she was to fish out the person behind the article and their source or face the consequence.

She had come to Ludus for a promotion not to face the consequence of an action that had nothing to do with her, Evelyn thought as she looked out

of the window of her cab.

She was not going to let anyone, not even Sandra or Michael, get away with messing with her integrity in this manner and making people question

ber character.

As she walked into the building, she stopped at the reception stand and asked the receptionist to ask the heads of all the teams to gather in the conference hall for a meeting Instead of going to her office, she went straight to the conference hall to wait for them, since there was nothing for her to do in her office.

Ten minutes later, the heads of each unit came in one after the other and they all sat around the conference table.

Evelyn couldn't believe that the first time she would be addressing her subordinates here would be over an issue like this, and it angered her even


Evelyn looked around at everyone seated at the table, "Im sure I do not need to tell you the reason I called for this meeting." Evelyn said as she TOK and paced around her seat.

"I'm going to go straight to the point. Who released the article on Mr Derek Stone? And on whose order was it released?" She asked as her gaze moved from one person to the other.


turned to him, "The information came in through our tip line from an anonymous source some days ago. We looked into it. Checked old pictures of Derek Stone and the last picture

order?" Evelyn asked and he nodded hesitantly without meeting

wasn't I informed before the story was published?"

have come as an anonymous tip but now that she knew for sure, she just couldn't help feeling frustrated, since it didn't help her

were we supposed to know this would cause such a commotion? It's not like we can inform you about everything we publish here. Besides, you haven't resumed here officially yet, he

exclusive with Derek Stone, yet you went on to publish something like this

get the story out there," he said and Evelyn sighed, feeling a wave of frustration "Who is the head of IT here? Is there a way we can

said and Evelyn massaged her temple. "I guess that's the end of this meeting. You can all leave," she said and walked out of the hall before any of them

her eyes as she made her way back to her office, her

ng hard and fast.

was she ever going to find the person behind the anonymous tip? She couldn't believe that there was no way for her to prove her innocence. Inside her office, Evelyn bowed her head as she let herself break down in tears. She didn't know what to do. She was feeling confused, frustrated. angry, and wronged

3:06 PM d

Chapter 30

about all that had transpired

night, and he admitted that he didn't exactly handle things right or leave room for

was responsible for the article, but after last night and how she had reminded him of the NDA, he couldn't help

someone overheard their conversation? What was he missing? He mused as kept replaying everything that happened from the moment he woke up

his eyes when he remembered how confident Michael had been that it was Evelyn who had released

how Michael had also talked about Evelyn releasing

one responsible for all of this?



he stand to gain by

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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