Chapter 53

made her way to the exit and headed home

Evelyn's thoughts were a tangled mess, a mix of fear, anger, and sadness as she ma

She had nothing left to do at work as she awaited the verdict from her superiors, and the wright of it all was crushing.

The day had been a blur of emotions, and her heart felt heavy with the uncertainty that loomed over her

Although the distance between her office to her apartment was a ten-minute drive, she decided to walk, needing to clear her head

Each step felt laboreil as if she was dragging her feet through the swamp of her thoughts.

Evelyn's mind kept replaying all that happened since Sunday morning and now, with the added threat of loung her job, she felt as though her world was crumbling around her. When she finally arrived at her modest apartment, Evelyn unlocked the door and stepped inside, her shoulders slumping with exhaustion.

She closed the door behind her with a soft click, the sound resonating in the quiet space

"Mama"" a small voice called out, full of excitement and warmth.

Evelyn barely had time to set down her bag before a blur of movement raced toward her. Samantha threw herself into her mother's arms, her giggles filling the room with life.

"You're back so early Samantha exclaimed, her arms wrapping tightly around Evelyn's neck.

weight on Evelyn's chest lightened as she held


sofi curls. She inhaled deeply, the scent of innocence and love surrounding her. The tears she had been holding back since she left the office threatened to spill over, but she blinked them away, not wanting to alarm her daughter "Are you sick, Mommy?" Samantha asked, her voice laced with concern as she pulled back slightly to look

worried expression. "No sweetheart. Im just a little tired," she lied, brushing a hand

face for any sign of illness, but she didn't seem convinced. Still, she didn't p she took her mother's hand, tugging gently. "Come on. Mommy. Let's go to your

t press further. Instead.

she let herself be led by Samantha, their footsteps quiet against the

the edge of the bed with her back resting on the headboard, and

brought a small measure of comfort, but

her mother's side, resting her head on Evelyn's shoulder. The child's presence was a balm to Evelyn's frayed nerves, and she found herself holding her

would she provide for Samantha if she lost her job? The prospect of starting anew was daunting, especially with her daughter set to start school the following week. She had moved back to Ludus with

question gnawed at her: had she made a mistake by leaving Husla' Maybe she should have remained in Husta, where she had friends

as she remanded herself that there was no need to look back now since that chapter of her life was over, and she had made her choser. Now, she had to live with the

reached for her phone on the nightstand When she saw Susan's name flashing on the screen, her breath hitched and her pulse quickened with anticipation. Samantha, who had doard at, forded upammiously

Chapter 53

over her shoulder. Evelyn waited until she heard the door click

she greeted, trying to keep

I just spoke with the board Susan began, her tone careful, as though she was measuring each word. Evelyn's heart sank at the ominous pause that followed. They decided to let you go." Evelyn's world seemed to tilt on its axis, and for a moment, she couldn't breathe. The words hit her like a physical

board to reconsider, and you're not being let go after

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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