Chapter 61

Evelyn sat at her desk in the spacious office of Empowered Magazine, her fingers hovering over the keyboard as she tried to focus on the article she was editing.

Although her promotion was not official since she was yet to interview Derek which was the criterion for it, she was working as the acting editor-in-chief. Even though she had only just resumed, she had a mountain of work to get through, with deadlines around the corner and articles demanding her


Despite her best efforts to focus on work, her mind kept drifting back to Derek and she found herself staring at her phone often, half-expecting a call or text from him.

She knew she had no reason to expect him to call since they had nothing important to discuss. Yet she couldn't stop herself from hoping

No matter how hard she tried to push thoughts of him out of her mind, and bury herself in her work, it was no use. He lingered in her thoughts, a distraction she just couldn't seem to shake.

Get it together, Evelyn, she silently scolded herself, shaking her head as if that would help clear her mind. You have work to do.

She forced her attention back to the article on her screen, determined to focus. She was still trying to concentrate when her phone rang, startling her.

Seeing Susan's name on the screen, she quickly composed herself and answered.

"Hi, Susan," Evelyn said, her tone professional, though her mind was still a bit scattered.

"Evelyn, how's it going?" Susan's voice was brisk, as always, but there was a hint of warmth that put Evelyn at ease.

"Good, just working through some edits." Evelyn replied, sitting up straighter as though Susan could see her.

"That's what I like to hear, Susan said, a smile evident in her tone. "Listen, I wanted to talk to you about that interview with Derek Stone. Have you reached out to him? Or did he talk to you about it? You're still doing it, right?"

Evelyn felt her stomach tighten at the mention of Derek's name. "Yes. We talked about it."

"Great! Have you set a date yer?"

"Not yet," she admitted. "I discussed it with his secretary and she mentioned that this week would be very busy for him, so I was thinking next week might be better."

"Next week, huh?" Susan sounded thoughtful. "Well, I suppose that's fine, but make sure to lock it down soon. We don't want anything to come up again and have him change his mind. I'm sure you know how important this is, especially after the trouble

"I understand. I'll make sure to get a firm date from him" Evelyn said, thinking that would be a good reason to reach out to him.

"Great" Suson said, her tone brightening. "I know you'll handle it. Just keep me posted"

"I will," Evelyn promised.

a few more words, they ended the call, and Evelyn set her phone down on the desk, staring at it

needed to call Derek, but the thought filled her with

sure she was ready to face him again, especially not after the way their

a sigh and picked up her phone, scrolling through her contacts until she

was still debating whether to call him or call his secretary instead so she could communicate with him on her behalf when her thoughts were interrupted by the

saw Rayna's name flashing. First Margaret, now Rayna. It seemed like everyone was reaching

owe this pleasure Evelyn asked warmly as she answered

laughed, -To friendship, of course. How are you doing? I hope I'm not interrupting work?" Kayna's voice was as cheerful as ever,

Chapter 61

smile to Evelyn's

you're not interrupting anything. How are

I'd want to take off with him to some

relax and have sex?" Evelyn asked

to our room to have sex. Go see a movie, make out in the cinema, and go back home to have sex,

I get the picture. Thanks," Evelyn cut in

you got," Rayna

on a dating site

disaster. As a matter of fact, I'm traumatized by it," Rayna said and Evelyn

-Was it that bad?

and Rayna shook

you about it after I

thinking we should meet up. How about I swing by your place later?"

about Samantha yet. She just wasn't ready to explain that part of her life to Rayna

was friends with Sandra too, and she could hardly ask Rayna to stop being friends with Sandra for her sake. If Rayna knew about Samantha, there was every possibility that she might innocently tell Sandra about it and then just like that it would

so busy with work that I'm yet to set up my place. It is a mess, and I wouldn't want you to see it like that. How about I

day off. I

somewhere else then?" Evelyn suggested, feeling relieved to steer the conversation

about a club? We could use a night out!" Rayna's voice was full


work in the morning- there was also Samantha to consider. The idea of leaving her daughter at

sound casual, but she could already

All we have to do is put on sexy clothes and hang out there for an hour or two. We are never going to meet any men if we don't go

really can't tonight. How about we do it

playful but firm.

Evelyn promised, knowing full well that she probably needed

And I have just the perfect place in mind," Rayna said, clearly pleased. "Will Sandra be joining us? She sort of felt left out when I told her we were together at the bakery the last time," Rayna said,

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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