Chapter 67

As Evelyn and Rayna pulled up to the club, Evelyn could feel her nerves tightening in her chest. The club building was imposing and its entrance was flanked by black-clad bouncers, with a red carpet leading to the door..

entrance. The bouncers barely

A line of people stretched down the block, but Rayna confidently led Evelyn past the crowd, straight to the VIP en glanced at them before waving them through, and Evelyn wondered just how often Rayna frequented this place.

"You do this often, don't you?" Evelyn asked and Rayna grinned.

"Why do you ask?"

"Seems to me like they know you," Evelyn said with a shrug.

"Well, there's a story behind that. I'll tell you later," Rayna promised as she led her inside.

Rayna had chosen Sodom And Gomorrah, one of the most exclusive clubs in the city, for their night out, and the moment they stepped inside, Evelyn could see why it was exclusive. The interior screamed of class and luxury.

The music was loud, and the air was thick with energy, anticipation, and the scent of expensive perfume.

Rayna's excitement was barely contained as she grabbed Evelyn's hand, pulling her through the crowd. "This is going to be so much fun! Trust me, you're going to have the time of your life tonight. Evelyn forced a smile, trying to match Rayna's enthusiasm, but the truth was, she felt completely out of place. The dress she was wearing, the makeup, the club-it all felt like a role she was playing, and she wasn't sure if she was doing it right

Years ago she would have been just as enthusiastic and excited, but all that enthusiasm, excitement, and energy had been drained out of her. This wasn't her scene anymore, and she knew it

As they weaved through the crowd, Rayna swayed her waist to the rhythm of the music, while Evelyn prayed they find a seat soon so she wouldn't get any unnecessary attention.

Once they reached the bar, Rayna leaned against it, signaling the bartender with a flick of her hand. "Two martinis, please. Extra dirty"

As they waited for their drinks, Rayna turned to Evelyn with a wide grin. "Isn't this place amazing? I mean, look at all these people. We're going to have a blast!"

Evelyn nodded, though her attention was beginning to wander. The dancefloor was packed with bodies moving in time to the beat, and she found herself scanning the crowd.

Her gaze swept across the room, and for a moment, she thought she saw a familiar figure in the distance. A man, tall and broad-shouldered, with dark chocolate hair that looked achingly familiar. Evelyn blinked, telling herself that it couldn't be who she thought it was. Derek was supposed to be on a date with Sandra. There was no way he'd be here, at the same club, on the same night. The odds were too slim.

But then the man turned slightly, his profile becoming clearer, and Evelyn's heart skipped a beat. It was Derek.

club with another man she didn't recognize. He was dressed in a fitted blazer and dark jeans, looking effortlessly handsome, and he hadn't noticed

at the same time. It was as if the

she needed tonight was to see Derek, especially not when she was trying to forget about him, about his date with Sandra, about the mess that her emotions had become since she moved

across the crowded room, and for a heartbeat, everything else faded away-the music, the people, the noise. It was just the two of them, staring at each other from

wanted to march over to him and demand to know why he

gaze away

to the bar as if she hadn't

her a martini, blissfully unaware of what had just transpired.


Chapter 67

as it went down, but she welcomed

was going on between them, not tonight. Tonight was supposed to be about fun, about forgetting. not about dredging up feelings that had no place in


been scanning the crowd himself, raised an

lady," Derek said, nodding toward the bar where Evelyn was standing,

followed his gaze, his eyes landing on Evelyn and Rayna whose backs were turned to them. The lady in red

something else-something that Ethan couldn't quite place. "The

more interesting for you. But hold that

attention back to Evelyn. She was still at the bar, sipping her drink, her posture tense as if she were trying to block out the world around her- or perhaps he was the one

Evelyn that intrigued him, something that made him want to strip away the layers and uncover what was hidden

what her reaction would be, but he knew he couldn't let this opportunity pass. Not when fate had brought them together again, in the most unexpected of places. Derek continued to weave through the throng of people, his eyes locked on Evelyn.


look in his direction and saw him approaching, he

her voice barely above the pounding music. "I need to use the

glass in a mock salute. "Don't

smile, then slipped off her barstool, making a beeline for the restroom. But before she could get far, Derck stepped into her

eye makeup that made her eyes look darker and more mysterious, the way she looked completely out of

here, Eve?" he asked, his voice low enough that only she could

here to buy and sell," she replied, her tone dripping with sarcasm and

that question was

you talking to

what I want. And the

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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