Chapter 82

"What are you talking about Evelyn asked, folding her arms as she regarded Maya with a raised brow

Maya cleared her that, suddenly feeling a bit nervous under Evelyn's scrutinizing gaze. "Evelyn," she began, choosing her words carefully, "I mean. Samantha wasn't talking about a child. Rek is an adult." Evelyn blinked, her smile faltering "What do you mean an adul?“.

Maya hestated, casting a quick glance at Samantha, who was nodding vigorously. "He is a grown man."

For a mom

a moment, Evelyn didn't respond. her brain struggling to process the information. She felt a cold shiver race down her spine. "What?" she managed to say, her voice barely above a whisper.

Maya rushed on, sensing the tension building "I'm sorry I didn't tell you earlier, Evelyn. I thought you knew. I mean, I assumed when Samantha talked about Rek, you knew he was an adult. I didn't think he would come across as a child-

Evelyn's face paled visibly, her heart skipping several beats. "You let a stranger spend time with my daughter?" she asked, her voice rising in pitch, her gaze sharp as it focused on Maya. "A man we know nothing about?" She asked as she rose from her seat.

Samantha piped up. "But Mommy, Rek is not a stranger! He's my friend!" She looked from her mother to Maya, confusion clouding her young

Evelyn turned to Samantha, her expression harsh "Hush, Samantha. This is an adult conversation. Go to your room," she ordered as she picked up the remote controller and turned off the television. Samantha's face fell, and she rose from her seat, her steps slow and reluctant as she walked away. Maya waited until Samantha was out of earshot before she spoke again, her voice a touch defensive. "Evelyn, I didn't think

"Exactly, Maya! You didn't think!" Evelyn cut in sharply. "What if he's a kidnapper, a child trafficker or a pedophile targeting Samantha? Did you

Even consider that?"

Maya's o eyes widened, and she shook her head quickly. "No, I didn't think that at all. He seemed like a decent man, Evelyn. He was polite, and he genuinely seemed to care about Samantha's wellbeing" Evelyn let out a shon, disbelieving laugh. "And how do you know that, Maya? Because he seemed decent? You can't judge a person by a few polite words and a smile?

Maya's face flushed, and she looked down. "I'm sorry, Evelyn. 1 really am. I should have told you sooner. I just... I didn't see any harm in it. Mir Stone has been nothing but kind to Samu "Wait What?" She asked, her heart skipping a bear

"I said he's been nothi...."

what?" Evelyn cut

of Stone Palace Hotel," Maya explained, hoping this would make Evelyn calm

instead of calming her, Maya noticed her words had the

heard. "Mr. Stone... Rek?" she

weak, and she had


was it possible that despite all her efforts to keep Sarmantha away from Derek, he had found her! Not only

strained and shaky. Without waiting for a response, the nimed and hurried to her room, the door closing behind her with a

her back against the

out this whole time? All those times Samantha had mentioned Rek,

Rek from the very first day they had arrived

Chapter 82

this what she had meant! That no matter how hard Evelyn tried to escape, Derek would always find his way one

heart ached at the thought of Samantha's innocent smile, her eyes lighting up when she talked about her friend Rek. How was Evelyn supposed to put an end to that

her voice choked with emotion. She pressed a hand to her chest, trying to calm the wild

to let them keep being friends? At least that way Samantha would get to spend time with her father even though


was Samantha's Mom already? What if he had seen them together or Samantha had told him about her and that was the reason he

the silent apartment and Evelyn took a deep breath before walking

already." Maya said, holding out

Evelyn said as she glanced at Samantha's bedroom

sorry. I really

to talk to Samantha, Evelyn

was lying on the bed and sobbing quietly looked up

cried as though

me everything about Rek. How did you meet him? Did he talk to you first? What did he say to you? What have you said to him' Did.." Evelyn caught herself when she realized she was asking too many

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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