Chapter 85

As Evelyn sane Rayna off to her car a couple of hours later, Kayna turned to her with a serious expression. "If you ask me, Esse, I think instead of just sitting back and waiting for Derek to handle Sandra and Michael, you should be more proactive. Are yoni really past going to relax when you know they are highting you! You should stand up and fight back. Give them blow for fucking blow," she und, and Evelyn sigheid.

"Do you think I haven't thought about it, or I don't want for I would like to. But Have in think about Samanthu.

"You're hiding behind Samantha, Evelyn," Rayna said, and Evelyn frowned.

"Yes. Where is the Evelyn that poured the wine on Sandra at the party! You know, of all you told me today, that was the meat impressive part. I like det you dicha't stand there helplessly crying and trying to defend yourself. I like that you acted like the latch the tried to paint yescas Can you imagine how shock, she must have been when you did that Rayna asked, and Evelyn smiled, remembering the shock she had seen on Sandra's

fice then

"She did look really shocked" Evelyn said, and Hayna giggled.

"Exactly! That's what I think you should do, Ever Stop being the calm and mature girl. It's annoying and irritating. Fight backt II Derek, take her from him. Let her know that you have Derek in your palen, and he is yours. Let her know how it feels to see what you taken away," Rayna said passionately as they stood by her car.

*Samantha is your hidden card. Evic. She is not a disadvantage. She is an advantage. Apart from Derek's interest in you. Samantha is the eilge you have over Sandra. Your daughter is a Stone. Do you think anyone could use that against you? The story that you weer with a lover wind become useless when everyone knows it was herek

"Hut I don't want my business out there that way." Evelyn said, and Rayna groaned in exasperation.

"You're frustrating me, Evelyn! In life, you have to fight for what you want. Life isn't going to past throw handouts at you

what you want and go for it. You want Derek? Then don't let Sandra have him. Show Derrk that you want him: Stup pushing him away. If he is fighting for the both of you, the least you can do is to be more receptive to his feelings, especially since you feel the same way," Rayna said, and Evelyn sighed as she contemplated Rayna's words,

"Do you really think it's right I mean, my being with Michael's cousin!" She asked, and Rayna rolled her eyes.

"Do you think it is right that Michael is with your step-sister? You haven't done anything wrong You haven't done anything to be ashamed. I think you should throw out that good and mature Evelyn and be as peny as Sandra is now Don't just avond her trouble by being on the defensive anymore. You should be on the offensive now. Be the bad bitch!" Rayna said, and Evelyn piggled. "You're al

a bad influence, Ray," Evelyn said, and Rayna nodded.

give her a taste of her own medicine. I get that you haven't told your parents

mean, we were indoors for over four hours talking and watching

would hear is," she explained, "Listen. Evor. for Samartha's sake, you need to fight Sandra head on. Do you have any idea how much damage Sandra can do to your erpuration if she finds out about Samantha before

snake, don't worry" Hayna promised embracing

in the post six years than she felt now that s new she could lean on someone as dependable as Rayna: For

been calm

her phone rang, and her heart skipped a beat when she

being more pportive of Derek, she received the

when be noted

him collly as

12:16 PM d'ď

Chapter 85

smiled, "Why do you think

so. Did something good happen?" He asked,

are you doing?" She asked, changing the

I'm doing? Or were you trying to ask why I called?" Derek asked in

by Derek's reaction to her

what happened to brighten your mood, but I hope whatever it is happens every day going forward," he said, and

guess you're fine then," she

your day? Did you go out?" Derek asked

was indoors all day, Rayna visited, and we just hung out,"

me he ran into her yesterday. She

calm down, though. Ray made an honest mistake. He shouldn't hate her for it. And the least he can do is give her a

to tell me about another date with Sandra?" She asked,

you so much and wanted to see you.

asked, suspecting that he wanted to tell her

your area, and luckily, I reconnected with a little friend of

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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