Chapter 93

Derek paced around his suite, his mind racing with thoughts of Evelyn, his mother's stubbornness, and Michael's underhanded tactics

Remembering that he had yet to call Evelyn to find out where she was and apologize for what happened, Derek picked up his phone and dialed Evelyn's number.

The line rang twice before she picked up Derek, her voice came through, soft but tinged with concern.

"Eve, Derek paused, running a hand through his hair. "Are you alright! Where are you now? I'm very sorry for what happened earlier."

There was a brief silence on the other end, and then Evelyn let out a deep sigh. Tm fine. I don't think you're in a position to worry about me right now. Are you okay! I feel like all I've done is cause trouble between you and your Mom. I should never have-

"Don't apologize," Derek cut in his tone gentle but firm. "You didn't do anything wrong. It was only a matter of time before I had that talk with her."

wanted to

"I don't know maybe I acted rashly, Evelyn said, the guile evident in her voice. "Maybe I shouldn't have taken Sandra's call. I just stand up for myself, but now it's going to complicate everything. How are you going to find out anything from her now?" She asked, her voice more composed now.

Derek smiled faintly, though it didn't quite reach his eyes. I'm glad you took the call. I loved hearing you talk to her that way. And if anything, we both know that Sandra will most likely be more interested in me now. She'll want me even more, thinking there's competition. Don't worry about

Evelyn sighed, and then Evelyn's voice returned softer, more vulnerable. "I just didn't want to make things harder for you"

"Trust me when I say it's alright, Eve, Derek said, his voice lowering as his thoughts shifted back to their earlier conversation. "I meant everything i uid earlier. I hope you won't pull back again. I've got you" There was a pause, and then Evelyn spoke again with a hint of relief in her breath. "Sandra was in my office earlier.

"What? She was where? What did she say? I ho

I hope she didn't cause any trouble for you!" He asked, totally surprised.

"Don't worry. I handled it Evelyn said quickly, sensing his concern. "She came to intimidate me. She wanted me to back off because you were hers. But I think I threw her off. She didn't expect me to push back." Evelyn said with a small sotile.

Derek exhaled slowly, letting the tension ease from his shoulders. "Well, I like that Keep pushing back. I hope you told her I'm not hers?" Derek asked, and Evelyn grinned.

"I told her you were mine," she said, and Derek chuckled

"I wish I were there to hear you say that he said, and Evelyn laughed softly.

parents tomorrow and tell them everything she said, her

time you told them. They need to know, I really don't get why you kept it from them in the first place, Derek said,

something else I need to tell you." Evelyn continued, her voice hesitant. "Can we meet? I don't think it's something

something earlier before his mother interrupted them. "Let's talk over dinner,

He glanced at the screen and saw his father's name flash across it. His stomach twisted. He knew why his father was calling.

go," he said, trying to keep the

I you back"

replied, her voice

and immediately switched over to his father's

a weight to it that Derek didn't miss. "I need

for the door. He knew his mother had told his Eather

himself for the impending conversation

pulled into the live way, his mind was racing again. His

he headed straight for the study, where he knew

father said, gesturing to the chair in front of the large mahogany desk. The room, filled with the scent of old books and

mother?" his father asked, his tone measured, though Derek could sense the curiosity and concern beneath it, Derek took a deep

kind of question is that? Of course, I trust you most. You're my son," he said without

pleased with the response. "In that case, you need to know something and


a brow but said nothing as he watched Derek pull out his phone. Derek brought up the CCTV footage he had saved, and with a few handed the phone to his father. The screen displayed Michael sneaking into his

he watched the video. Is this what I think

remove it when I wasn't there. He's been playing us all along, and he's the one behind the scandal. He deliberately made it look like Evelyn was responsible for

phone. "Why would be do something like that? When did you find out?" His father asked,

out about it

earlier Especially to your mother?

I'm worried because she'd find a way to justify it. You know how she is about Michael. She's too blind where Michael is concerned,

footage again, then looked up at Derek, his expression grave. "Still, this shows that Michael is guilty and accused someone the falsely

show her and make her understand that Michael isn't the person she thinks he is. He's

happened and why she called off the wedding. Derek said, and his father raised a brow. "You seem to trust this Evelyn girl a lot, his father observed. "Yes, I do. She's not just some random girl I fell for Dad. I've been searching for her for the past six years. Although I didn't know she was Michael's fance then, I was the one with her on the

taken aback by that

shortly after I

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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