

Derek walked into the hotel with a spring in his step, the high from the day's events still coursing through him. He pushed through the doors of the lounge, scanning the room before spotting Michael seated at the bar, swirling a glass of dark liquor in his hand.

Michael looked up, and his eyes narrowed when he saw that Derek seemed to be in an excellent mood. He couldn't help but wonder what could have happened to put him in such a good mood, considering what had happened with Sandra and his mother.

"What's up, Mike?" Derek asked as he slid into the seat next to Michael.

"I should be asking you. You look so excited," Michael noted, taking a slow sip from his glass. The suspicion in his voice was hard to miss.

Derek chuckled, "What can I say? Life's good today," he replied, waving the bartender over with a carefree hand. "The usual, please."

Derek was too happy to be upset or irritated by Michael's schemes. He could go back to being wary tomorrow, but for today, he just wanted to bask in his euphoria.

Michael cocked his head to the side, scrutinizing his friend. "Really?"

"Yeah. And I'm happy to see you," Derek said easily, and Michael chuckled.

Michael's frown deepened, the cautious expression never leaving his face. "Well, I'm glad you're happy. I thought you'd be upset considering everything that's been going on," he said, and Derek raised a brow. "Why should I be upset?" He asked as the bartender set down his glass in front of him.

Michael raised a brow, still suspicious. "Well, I'd have thought Evelyn losing her job because of you might bother you. I know you care about her. And you know, the whole... situation with my mom and Sandra." Derek laughed lightly, leaning back in his chair, "Oh, that. Well, I guess it was bound to happen. I try not to stress over things that I can't control. Everything happens for a reason, after all," Derek said dismissively as he took a long, satisfying sip of his Negroni.

Michael nodded in agreement, glad that Derek wasn't making a big deal out of it. "So, did Evelyn tell you anything else?" Michael asked, and Derek raised a brow.

"Anything? Like what?" Derek's voice was casual, but his eyes gleamed with amusement as he took another sip.

between you two and that she would go as far as telling you that Sandra and I are lovers,"

wanted to know if Evelyn had recorded the conversation with Sandra or said

make idle threats or show her cards too soon. She's smarter than that," Derek said, and Michael stiffened, not

around his glass. "The Evelyn you know?" He asked, not liking the sound

By the way, what was that you mentioned earlier on the phone about Evelyn saying

she chose to come to interview you

also doesn't sound like something Evelyn would say," Derek said, and Michael's frown deepened.

do you mean by that? Do you think I'm making this up?" He asked in

unease grew with every word. "I don't know. Are you?" Derek leaned back, crossing his arms over his chest, his expression unreadable.

saying it doesn't sound like Evelyn. Maybe Sandra's twisting the truth a little. Were you there? Did you hear any of this yourself? Or is it mere

He asked, unable to understand why Derek sounded like

haven't answered my question,"

lips pressed into a

all secondhand, isn't it?"

Evelyn to work with me for a month before

knew that Michael was bound to hear from his Mom sooner or later that he was in love with Evelyn. Michael blinked, caught off guard. "What are

fell in love with her at first sight. That was the same reason I shared personal stuff with her and took her on that trip. I wanted to get to know her. I wanted her close

How can you say that to me

little brother, and I care about you," Derek said, slapping Michael's back fondly, "Do you see now why I don't believe the story you just claimed you

was taking her time. Maybe she wants you

longer care about her.

eyes lit up at the sound of Sandra's name, his suspicion easing. "Sandra, huh? Well, that's more like it. I knew

and focus on me now,"

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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