

Evelyn settled back in her seat, her heart pounding as she prepared to reveal the final pieces of the puzzle to her parents. Eric and Claire, still reeling from the weight of the previous revelations, looked at her with a mixture of concern and anticipation.

"Mom, Dad," Evelyn began, her voice trembling slightly, "there's more you need to know. Michael and Sandra... they're not just close. They re working together, and it's more than just their affair. They planted a bug in Derek's office." Her words hung in the air, thick with the gravity of the accusation.

Eric frowned deeply; his confusion was evident. "A bug? You mean... they were spying on Derek?" Eric asked, glancing at Derek, who was still silent.

After seeing that Evelyn was capable of handling herself, Derek had relegated himself to the background since it was a family discussion, and his only reason for being there was to give Evelyn moral support and defend her.

Derek nodded. "Yes, they were listening to our conversations."

"They were trying to gather information to sabotage me. And it worked. They were the ones who leaked the news about Derek, which was all over the place last weekend. That was private information that Derek confided in me. It caused problems between Derek and me. And it almost led to me losing my job."

Claire gasped, her hand flying to her mouth as her eyes filled with tears. "They did what? But why? What could Sandra possibly gain from doing something so cruel? Why is she still after you?"

Evelyn hesitated, her gaze shifting between her parents. "Now that I think about it, I think they did that because they wanted me out of Derek's life and also so that the interview would not hold. I believe Sandra is trying to manipulate her way into Derek's life, the same way Michael did with me. She wants to marry Derek for his wealth, and Michael is in it with her."

Claire's face paled, her shoulders slumping as the realization of her daughter's greed settled in. "Sandra... my Sandra... would do something like this?" Her voice was barely above a whisper, thick with sorrow.

Evelyn's heart ached at the sight of her stepmother's pain. "I'm sorry, Mom. I know this is hard to hear."

Eric placed an arm over Claire's shoulder, "Calm down, darling."

after all the trouble she has caused? I always suspected that she was up to

can't believe that girl is my daughter," Claire said

broken only by the sound of Claire's quiet sobs. Eric, his expression one of deep sorrow, reached out and took his wife's hand, giving it a gentle squeeze. "Claire, this isn't your

there for Evelyn, and

nodded in agreement. "Dad's right, Mom. You've always been good to me, and I don't want you to blame yourself for what Sandra has become." Claire shook her head,

seen it, Evelyn.

Eric interjected, his voice firm. "You're not a magician or a fortune teller. You

a wonderful mother, and you've done your best. That's all

mind- I'm not going to let her get away with this anymore. I'm done ignoring what she's done to me. I won't consider her my sister

struggling to process everything, tinally nodded in agreement.


to return to

what I've told you. I'm going to come over and ask you to forgive me and give me a job-in front of her. She can't

Despite the reassurance, the weight of his earlier mistakes still bore down on

behind them, Evelyn stood up, wiping the remaining tears from her

Now, I'm going to heat up dinner. We

maternal instincts kicking in. "I'll

with unspoken words until Eric finally broke it. "Derek... I owe you an apology. I was rude earlier and didn't give you or my daughter the benefit of the

gaze, his expression sincere. "All is forgiven. All that matters to me is that everything has been resolved. All I want is for Evelyn to be happy," he

this? When did she tell you?" Eric asked, and

Sandra yesterday. I also found

your permission, I'd like to marry her once this is

she is willing, you have my support. As you can see, Evelyn makes her own decisions," he said,

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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