Chapter 111

The following day, Erie sat at the head of the dining table, dressed in a crisp white shirt. His expression was unreadable as he stirred his coffee absently while thinking about his daughter, Evelyn, and how he had failed her.

Claire, seated beside him, was equally quiet, her eyes downcast as she picked at her fruit salad. She was equally thinking of her daughter, Sandra, and how she had failed to raise her correctly.

The click of heels against the floor announced Sandra's arrival. She entered the dining room looking forlorn, although her hair was perfectly styled. and her makeup flawlessly applied, as always. "Good morning!"

"she greeted as she slid into her chair opposite her parents.

Eric and Claire looked up simultaneously, their expressions neutral as they greeted her. "Morning," Eric muttered, his voice lacking the warmth it usually held.

Claire echoed the greeting with a forced smile, her eyes flickering briefly to Sandra's before dropping back to her plate.

Sandra didn't seem to notice the tension in the air, if she did, she chose to ignore it. She poured herself a cup of coffee, her movements smooth and practiced. After taking a sip, she set the cup clown and leaned back in her chair, her gaze flitting between her parents "So," she began, her tone casual, "how was your date last night?"

Eric and Claire exchanged a quick glance, both of them struggling to maintain their composure. "It was fine, Claire answered, forcing a smile that didn't reach her eyes. "We had a nice time."

"Yeah, it was good, Eric added, his tone clipped. He avoided looking directly at Sandra, focusing instead on his plate as he cut into his eggs with a finle more force than necessary

still didn't pick up on their unease. "That's great,"

of her coffee, then set the cup down with a satisfied

hand to freeze mid-motion. His jaw clenched, and he slowly set his fork

dangerous, Sandra, mistaking his reaction for his usual


If you won't, keep shut!" Claire snapped at Sandra, causing her

Can you

mid-air. "That's ridiculous," she said, her voice incredulous.

"Evelyn told me herself," she replied, her tone suggesting that it was the most obvious

even though she knew already because Evelyn

but she told me that she wanted Derek and that I could have Michael. I don't know what I did to her, but she's always behaving this way, always trying to cause trouble for me. She's giving our family a bad

for the reasons Sandra assumed. He hated hearing her talk about Evelyn this way, spreading more hes and twisting the truth

“She lost her job?” she asked, feigning surprise. “Maybe now she will return to the family

her composed exterior. She quickly forced a smile back to her face, though it didn't reach her eyes. "Yes. It

as he asked, "Are you sure

Cluper li

Dad. Of course," she replied, though her

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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