Chapter 128

Michael stormed into Derek's office, his usually composed face twisted in frustration as he approached the desk where Derek sat, casually glancing up from his laptop.

idn't change even though he knew Michael exactly what Michael was in his office to do.

Derek's calm expression didn't

Derek leaned back in his chair. "Mike. I've told you before. You have to knock when you come into my office. You can't just barge into my way. I can't keep telling you this. What if I was in a meeting or something?" Derck scolded. office this

"I'm sorry, Derek. I confirmed with your secretary before coming in. I just needed to talk to you before I lose my mind," Michael said, resisting the urge to scowl at Derek since keeping up his act was more important at the moment than Derek's stupidity. "Want to sit?" Derek asked, gesturing for Michael to sit. "What is the problem?" He asked as he picked up his phone casually and placed it on record.

He knew Michael was about to spin a story, probably some elaborate excuse. He had been waiting for this all morning. He and Evelyn had agreed to always record their conversations with Michael and Sandra more for their entertainment than for evidence because the duo were dim-witted clowns

Oblivious to what Derek was doing, Michael threw himself into the chair, rubbing his temples in frustration. "I can't believe how stupid I am," he muttered through clenched teeth. "I'm so mad at myself that I could die right now

Derek raised an eyebrow, maintaining his calm demeanor. "How can you say such a thing about yourself? What did you do? Did something happen! Derek asked, folding his hands on the desk in front of him, his voice even and patient.

Michael exhaled sharply, running a hand through his hair. "Yesterday, I got a call from Evelyn."

Derek widened his eyes, feigning surprise. "Evelyn! Why would she call you?"

"That's what I thought!" Michael said, shaking his head. "I was just as shocked. She asked if we could meet and said she wanted to talk things over.

Derek's expression remained neutral, but inwardly, he was struggling not to snort. He doubted that Evelyn even had Michael's number, but he knew Michael was playing a part in whatever this was, and he needed to play along "And you agreed to meet her?" Derek asked incredulously

"At first, I wasn't going to. I mean, after all that happened, why would I Michael shifted uncomfortably in his seat. "But then. I guess curiosity got the better of me. I wanted to know why she really called off our wedding. I needed closure.

Derek nodded slowly, pretending to follow along "That makes sense 1 1 can see why you'd want that."

Michael continued, his voice dropping lower as if he were sharing a dark secret. "She sent me a

a suite

number, not a restaurant or cafe. That should've been a red flag, but I wasn't suspicious. I thought maybe she lived there or something, so I didn't make a big deal out of it."

kept his face calm, but inside, he was plecing together the story Michael was

for everything and for cheating on me. She told me a lot

she said?" Derek

This is why I didn't think anything of it when she offered

the angle Michael was going for. He managed to

trying to blackmail us, make it

slightly, acting horrified. "Evelyn Doing something

"I know, right" Mi

again, clearly playing the victim. "The Evelyn I was engaged to was nothing like this. She was so

in Midiac's words. He couldn't help but wonder if he would not have fallen for this bullshit

did something like that? I mean, what is the purpose" Derek asked, and Michiel

with Sandra. I'm pretty sure that is her plan. She might likely send pictures to you or something. She wants to have you for herself like she threatened Sandra Michael uid

know that

pictures to Derek

going to have her arrested or sur her? Lerk asked

Michael freeze for a second his eyes widening He quickly shook has head. "No, no. I don't want

into a corner. "Why not?

don't want to drag this out. It's embarrassing enough that I

scoffed inwardly, "Have you told my Mom


her. I don't want that I just want it to go away quietly" Derek tilted his head, keeping his tone casuall but insistent. "So, you came to me to vent because you expected me to just sit back and allow you not to do

Sandra were playing, and he

by Derek's sudden determination. He did not expect such a reaction since he

his features "Why are you pushing this so hard? Do

hand dismissively, his face calm. "Notting against her. I just think she's poor too

cared about Evelyn. Why are

let her rain lives. Besides, I told you my focus is on Sandra

head. "The truth is that I still love Evelyn. I'd rather try to talk things through with her. I don't think Sandra would want Evelyn to be arrested, either. Despite all she

but he didn't want to argue. "That's nonsense.

do not to laugh out loud. Derek pretended to cough to hide his laughter, and before he could say anything else. Michael's phone buzzed. Michael glanced at it, and when he saw it was Sandra, he looked back at Derek. "Work calls. I need to

walk out. The moment the door closed. Derek leaned back in his chair and let out a soft

as clearly as day, he

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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