Chapter 136

Evelyn's breath hitched as she turned from the door to see Samantha's little face pale and frightened. She wrapped her arms tightly around Evelyn's leg, her small body trembling. "I'm sorry about that, baby. Were you very startled?" Evelyn asked as she patted Samantha's hair.

who was that man?" Samantha asked, her voice barely a whisper. Evelyn knelt down, cupping her daughter's face gently.

"Mommy, that

that was just someone Mommy used to know. He's gone now," Evelyn said softly, brushing Samantha's hair away from her face. "You don't have to worry about him." "But he scared me," Samantha whimpered, clinging to her mother. baby. You're safe. No one will hurt you. I promise."

Evelyn pulled her into a a warm embrace. "It's okay,

at the

As Evelyn held her close, Mayan nodded, knowway, her eyes flicking between the two. "Sammy, come introduce me to your new baby, will you? Mommy needs to finish up in the kitchen," Maya called softly.

Evelyn hesitated for a a moment, then


had always been a comfort to Samantha. "Go show Maya your new doll while I finish up," she said, kissing Samantha's temple. Maya scooped Samantha up gently, whispering soothing words as she carried her toward the bedroom. Evelyn sighed, feeling the weight of the morning settling into her bones. She turned back toward the kitchen and found Liam standing there, his face filled with concern.

"Evie," Liam said, stepping closer. "Who is Michael? Is he Samantha's father?"

Evelyn shook her head quickly. "No, Michael's not her father. He's... he's my ex-fiancé."

Liam's brow furrowed, and he exhaled slowly, looking a little relieved. "I see. I just... I'm sorry if I overstepped."

shook her head, feeling a mix of emotions. "No, Liam, you didn't overstep. I'm sorry for the embarrassment. I didn't want you to get involved."

gave e her a soft smile. "You don't need to

Evelyn shook

Liam t need to apologize. I'm glad I was here. If he had done anything more, I wouldn't have let him." Evelyn smiled back, her heart swelling with gratitude. "Thank you.

I I should get back to the kitchen," she said, and Liam followed her back in.

they returned to the kitchen, Evelyn hesitated for a

Evelyn took a a breath, ready to say something, but before she thinking that this might be a good time to tell Liam about Derek. could, Liam spoke first.

"I wanted to tell you something," he said, his voice hesitant yet steady.

have s

something to tell you, too. But you can go first," Evelyn said with a small smile.

at his hands for a moment before meeting her eyes again. "Evie, I know that what I'm about to say might come as a surprise to you. The thing is, Ilike you. I've always liked you, but I thought it was just platonic love, you know? Like family. That's why I "But after you left Husla, I realized... it wasn't just that. I was in love with

acted on it." He chuckled nervously processed his words, her mind spinning. Liam? In love with her? Did that mean Margaret


but I want to be part of your life, Evie. If you'll have me." Liam's eyes were sincere, his voice filled with

i in her chest, and thankfully, before Liam could go further, the doorbell rang again, cutting through the tension

quickly, turning away before Liam could say more. Her heart pounded as she hurried to the door, her

his expression one of concern. "Is everything alright? What are you doing here?" she

situation. "I was told Michael came by, and I came as soon as I could," Derek said, reminding her that he

broke through the tension. "Daddy!"





murmured, holding her close as he stepped into

widening slightly as


stomach twisted with discomfort as she cleared her throat. "Liam, this is Derek, Samantha's father. Derek, this is Liam, my friend. He was here when Michael showed up and helped me get rid

still a little pale.

one arm

for looking

"I was happy to do

flicking between her and Liam, sensing the tension in the air but choosing to ignore it. "How long are you in town?" Derek asked, changing the subject smoothly. "I'd like to buy you a drink before you leave." Liam shifted awkwardly "I'm leaving tomorrow. Actually, I should probably

"You don't You


for lunch, please," she said, not wanting him to leave just like

now, don't you think? I'll call you when I get settled, I promise." Samantha motioned for Derek to put her down, and when he did, she hugged Liam's leg, her eyes wide. "I'll miss

too, Sammy. Be

"I'm glad Evelyn and Samantha have you to take care

stepping aside with Samantha as Evelyn escorted Liam to

she felt a mix of emotions as she opened the door. Liam smiled at her, "Talk

"I'm sorry..."

you right now. You should be happy. As long as you are happy, it's worth

we are cool, right?" She asked hopefully,

course. I'll let you know when I arrive," he

sitting in the dining with Samantha happily chattering away as


all swirled together in her mind, making

smiled when Derek's k's arms




Why did he run "Evelyn said, a hint of amusement in her voice as she turned to face him. ecause you showed up at such

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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