Chapter 141

Evelyn had a smirk on her face as she pulled into the parking lot of The People's Times building.

Six years had passed since she last stepped foot in the family's magazine company, and now, she was ready to take her place here once again.

The magnificent glass-covered building loomed over her, a symbol of how much had changed in the last six years. She wasn't the same person who had left Ludus all those years ago, and she doubted the company was the same either. Taking a deep breath, she stepped out of the car, straightened her blazer, and walked toward the entrance. As she pushed open the doors, the familiar scent of fresh paper and ink hit her, bringing back memories of all the time she had spent here. But the layout had changed. The once warm, cozy reception area had been transformed into a modern design with metallic finishes and glass partitions. The walls were adorned with magazine covers- The People's Times had clearly kept up with the times.

Evelyn approached the front desk, where a young receptionist looked up and smiled. "Good morning. How may I help you?"

"I'm Evelyn Quinn," she said, offering a small smile.

"I'm resuming here today."

The receptionist's eyes widened, clearly recognizing the name. "Oh! Welcome back, Miss Quinn. Let me notify HR."

As she waited, Evelyn scanned the room, noticing a few familiar faces among the staff bustling around. Some of the people who had been there for years smiled warmly at her, clearly recognizing her. A tall, graying man- Mr. Jenkins waved from across the lobby. He had been in charge of the finance department for as long as she could remember.

"Good to see you, Evelyn!" he called out. "Welcome back!"

Evelyn smiled and waved back. "Good to see you too, Mr. Jenkins."

"HR will be with you shortly," the receptionist said, interrupting her thoughts. A moment later, a woman from HR appeared, clipboard in hand.

"Miss Quinn, follow me, please."

Evelyn nodded and followed her through the glasswalled corridors, trying to shake off the unease settling in her stomach. She wasn't nervous about the work itself-she could handle that. It was Sandra she was worried about.

Sandra had made it clear she didn't want her back, and although Evelyn was prepared for whatever confrontation lay ahead, she still couldn't help but feel wary.

After a brief tour of the office spaces, HR led her to an office near the corner of the building. "This is where you will be working," the HR rep said, smiling as she led Evelyn into the office. Evelyn smiled to herself as she followed the lady into

they were going to be working together, and as such, sabotaging her

the moment she saw Evelyn, and her

as I'm sure you both know already. Ordinarily, I will do the introduction, but since you're sisters, I guess there is

kidding me," Sandra muttered under her breath before remembering that they had company

could fake a smile, Evelyn forced a bright smile of her own, stepping forward as though nothing was wrong. "Hey, sis, I'm really excited to be working with you. I look forward to learning from your wealth of experience," Evelyn said, and Sandra blinked, clearly taken aback

you working here as an associate editor when you should be a senior editor?" Sandra asked in

to work with you, Sandy," Evelyn said, her voice

hidden as she stood

new here. I should learn from you." Evelyn kept her expression innocent, though inside, she

room was thick as they exchanged fake smiles. Evelyn knew Sandra was probably fuming inside, but Sandra couldn't do

Please let her know what

phone and turned on the recorder,

HR lady, Sandra's smile dropped. "What the hell are you

casually against the desk. "Oh, Sandra, don't pretend you're not thrilled to see me. You look so happy." Her voice

You know we can't work together. I do not want that and I'm sure you don't

yet, here I am," Evelyn

under you. Isn't it

if you think I'll make this easy

sharp. "And why do you think I'm going to make it easy for you either? I know you're uncomfortable, Sandra. But guess what? I'm only getting started. If I were you, I'd quit now and save myself the trouble. You see, a snake like you doesn't belong in this family or this company. You've slithered your way through everything for

she reached for her phone. "You realize I'm recording this, right?"

"Oh, sweetheart, I'm recording too. So go

face paled slightly as she realized Evelyn had anticipated her move. "What game are you playing, Evelyn? Why

what game I'm playing, and you know why I'm doing this too," Evelyn said, her


and self righteous when you're nothing but a dirty slut. You


family know exactly the kind of slut you are. A word of advice to you, do not think of seducing Derek again. I don't want you embarrassing yourself and our family any more than you've done already. Derek's family will never let him marry a single mother, and especially not you," she said, and Evelyn

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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