Chapter 642

Brittany rolled out of bed, grabbed some breakfast, and then headed over to Hannah’s place.

Tanya Chester had just had surgery and was recovering well.

She was chilling in bed. She would supposedly be able to wheel herself to Lionel’s wedding by the end of the month.

Brittany and Hannah walked upstairs, catching Lionel just as he was finishing up work.

Brittany said hello to Lionel.

Lionel loosened his tie and took a glance at Brittany. “Weren’t you supposed to be out of town in H city?”

“All done.” Brittany grinned. “Lionel, where are you off to?”

“I’m heading out of town for work. I will be back tomorrow or the day after.”

Brittany was taken aback. “Lionel, aren’t you getting married? How come you’re still swamped with work?”

“Yeah, I’ve set aside a day.” Lionel went downstairs and left in a hurry..

Just a day

a total workaholic.” Hannah shrugged. “It’s a good thing his future wife doesn’t mind, or else she’d have dumped him ages ago.”

met his

a decent family, and

right, except she didn’t seem to be into Lionel.

same; he had zero feelings for her. They were basically marrying

didn’t judge. They grabbed their stuff and went

son of the Chester family was getting married, so

whole mansion, and on the day of the wedding, there

decorating the lounge and started blowing up balloons

done, it was already 6 in

Tanya and Blake. Brittany naturally stayed over at Hannah’s. The two hadn’t shared a bed in

raised an eyebrow. “He’s Isaac’s man. There’s no way I’d date someone

so he might have just been feeling guilty.

he had eye issues, they’re sorted now.” Brittany said, “If you’re into him, give it a shot.”

wouldn’t say I’m into him. I just feel like

around her often, she couldn’t find that initial spark anymore. Brittany couldn’t answer, so she changed the subject.

son with Isaac?”

genuinely surprised. Brittany’s child had survived and was brought

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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