Chapter 659

“After you left, I went ahead and got us officially married.”

Brittany slapped Isaac hard, her eyes welling up with tears. She couldn’t believe that after five years, Isaac was still as stubborn as a mule!

She felt deceived by their sham marriage.

And then, five years later, he sneakily got them legally married and kept it a secret from her for so long!

“Isaac, have you lost your marbles? What on earth did I do to deserve you?”

Brittany was emotional. She couldn’t understand what she’d done wrong to deserve being toyed with and tricked again and again!

Isaac took the slap without anger; instead, there was a sense of relief. “I did lie to you, but we should have been married a long time ago.”

“If we had gotten married five years ago, we wouldn’t be in this mess.”

He stepped forward, gripping Brittany’s shoulders. “I can make it up to you. Anything you want, I can give you”

Brittany shoved him hard.

the wall. He groaned in

want to marry

I’m taking Daniel and leaving.

breath, struggling to get up. “I won’t agree to a divorce, and you’re not taking our son.”

city will take your case if

with anger. “Get out!”

silently, then slowly got up and

and wanted to check on them, but she was afraid of upsetting them

Isaac come down, looking

are you okay?”

peaceful daily lives suddenly erupted into an

head. “You should get some

left, Emily sighed.

next day, Brittany left Radiant Residences

Randell Moore. The villa was near the kindergarten and had

was a bit confused about why they were moving, but seeing his mother’s face, he didn’t ask.

confirmed that


no law firm in the city was

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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