Chapter 670

She wasn’t keen on attending that wedding reception in the first place, but Isaac Salter insisted on her presence. Seeing as she was under his roof, she had no

choice but to oblige.

Isaac seemed mildly annoyed by her behavior, but he couldn’t bring himself to scold her when he saw the light in her eyes.

He took a deep breath and calmly said, “You look tired. Take a rest.”

She could sleep through a makeup session, so the least she could do was rest and stay quiet during the car ride.

Brittany Dustin was only too glad to oblige. She closed her eyes and was soon asleep.

Isaac fetched a light blanket and draped it over her. While doing so he caught a whiff of her sweet scent, and his throat bobbed. He managed to somehow suppress the urge to kiss her and forced himself to sit back down.

Upon reaching the wedding reception, Brittany hadn’t woken up yet.

Looking out of the car window, Isaac saw the guests coming and going. Nathan Jarvis wanted to wake Brittany up, but Isaac stopped him from doing so.

“You go on ahead. We’ll come in a bit.”

Nathan understood and stepped out of the car.


reception was opulently decorated. Brittany opened the car door and stepped out. Isaac followed her closely

“Mr. Salter, Ms. Dustin!”

soon as they alighted, Shona Bennett turned to them. She

She radiated a soft maternal glow. Brittany smiled as she congratulated her, “Ms. Bennett, congratulations on

Brittany’s hand and grinned, “Thank

followed closely behind her, always keeping a close eye on

Safter, please come


accepted the gift, “Thank you,

they walked into the reception, a few guests gasped

“What’s happening?”

the wedding reception of his ex-fiancée? What

when Brittany slapped Mr. Salter? He suffered quite a bit then.

talking nonsense. Brittany wanted a divorce, but no one in Imperial City dared to take her case. I heard

among themselves. The Dillion family was also present

was strange when

back her rage as she said, “She’s such a shameless hussy. Flirting with William on one hand and entangled with Isaac on the

couldn’t bear to see Brittany being belittled as he warned her, “The past

gritted her teeth, plotting how

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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