Chapter 44

When Anastasia found out Katelyn bought the house next door just because she was lonely and wanted to keep her company, she was gobsmacked,

In the midst of their chitchat, the movers had already moved all the furniture into the new house So, Katelyn invited Anastasia to have a peek.

Feeling too awkward to decline, Anastasia said, “Ms Katelyn, I need to drop off these groceries at my house first.”

Anastasia had bought a ton of ingredients and a huge watermelon. After she put the groceries away, she cut half of the watermelon for Katelyn.

Katelyn was on the phone in the new house, calling the housekeeper to come over and clean up. Anastasia stood behind Katelyn, not wanting to disturb her, just listening quietly to her conversation.

After Katelyn ended her call, Anastasia curiously asked, “Ms. Katelyn, does your family know about you buying a house?”

In Anastasia’s book, buying a house was a big deal that needed to be discussed with family.

Katelyn just waved her hand with a smile, “No biggie, it’s just a house. I bought it on a whim, I don’t need to inform them.”

Anastasia thought about the diamond bracelet Katelyn had given her before, which was quite a fortune.

She knew Katelyn was loaded but didn’t realize how loaded she was.

Katelyn, I just bought a watermelon, this is half for you.”

my house, keep one.

was mainly looking to get closer to Anastasia

reason to

said, “Alright, I’ll keep this spare key safe. Ms. Katelyn, I bought some ingredients, do you want to come

replied without missing a beat, I can help

and Anastasia felt bad letting her prep the meal alone, so they both

Katelyn mentioned, “Herman can’t eat

Anastasia had no


in her cooking before, she only bought it today because she

hearing Herman’s allergy to cilantro, Anastasia immediately stopped washing it and put it away.

surprise, “Ms. Katelyn, how do

relatives wouldn’t know everyone’s dietary preferences

when he came over for dinner, so I remember it very well. Herman is always buried in work, living a lonely life. He’s already thirty and

“Ms. Katelyn, Herman is an excellent man. How could he possibly be single forever? Even without me, there would be other girls

“I’ve introduced him to more than a dozen girls, none of them worked out. It’d be a miracle if he found a wife.”

quite disappointed, but Anastasia found

that before Herman went on dating sites, Katelyn had already introduced him to more than

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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