Chapter 105

Cason was in a pretty bad shape, can’t leave the hospital for now.

When Monica arrived at the hospital, she coincidentally encountered a few individuals who had come to collect debts from Cason.

Casons father’s factory had been seized, and he himself had been detained, so these individuals frequently came to the hospital causing disturbances, demanding that Cason repay his father’s debts.

Monica stood at the ward door, heard Cason promising the debt collectors, “Chill out, folks. Whatever my dad owes you, I’ll square it all up. Just give me a month. Once I’m back on my feet, you’ll get your money”

The debt collectors were skeptical about Cason’s promise, all of them firing back, “Why should we trust you, Kirkwood’s company has bitten the dust, what else can you guys bring to the table?”

Demi jumped in, “Guys, cut us some slack, I’m sure we can get the dough together.”

Cason gave Demi a nod, then Demi whipped out a promissory note for everyone to see.

Cason said. “If you don’t trust me, this note can serve as proof Amonth, and I’ll have all debts paid off. I can’t run away. I’m broke now, if you push me or get me killed, you’ll get zilch. Might as well give me a shot.”

the cash, no one had anything to gain from

Cason kicked the bucket, where would they

dad in the slammer, they cant exactly go to

promissory note and said, “Fine, I’ll give you a month. If you don’t pay up, you

ringleader waved his hand, leading the

at the corners of his mouth, but the smille didn’t reach his eyes and

she heard Demi say, “Cason, where are you gonna get the money in a month? The losses from your dad’s factory and from the law firm total eight million bucks. You can’t possibly


but Cason seemed unfazed, snorting. “There’s someone who’d be willing to

“Who? Who can cough

or reputation, which do you think weighs more for the Salstrom family of

got to do with

eight million or ten, hed hand it

was completely lost. “You’re thinking of borrowing from Herman? No way

said, “He

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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