Chapter 112

Anastasia clung to Hermanis waist, her face pressed against his chest, whispering, I’m scared”

What happened this morning scared Anastasia, as did Monica and Salma’s strange behavior

But she still didn’t want to lie to him.

She continued, “As a couple, we should be honest with each other and trust each other. Herman, I don’t remember losing any memory, nor do I know if that memory affects our current life. I just want you to know”

He had the right to know all this.

Anastasia’s words made Herman feel guilty.

He hadn’t been entirely honest with Anastasia.

Herman hesitated for a moment, about to speak, when he heard Anastasia say, “Herman, I love our life now and I’m really grateful for the happiness you bring me I hope we can keep living like this, simple is best”

What he had been about to say was forced back down

He tentatively asked, “Don’t you wish that one day I could be rich? Maybe one day I’ll be very wealthy, and you can have all the pretty clothes, luxury items, big house, everything you want.”

“I don’t want those” Anastasia shook her head, looked at him and half jokingly half-seriously said, “There’s always a price to pay for what you get, if you become very rich and then you don’t need me, or you’re often not home, busy with social gatherings, then no amount of money can make me happy”

once he had money scared Anastasia. She was worried, feeling insecure and

he also became very rich then he

her words, “Don’t worry, I won’t

her for a lifetime or not. Anastasia felt extremely happy

cell in her body was soaked in candy filled with

house, Gianna said that it’s hard for kids to go to school these days, kindergarten tuition is a hundred grand a year,

her tenderly. I think you’re

am I hinting at? Anastasia didn’t have any other intentions, she was just

to tell me you want to have a

instantly turned red,

over her, “Only hard work

couldn’t help but laugh, Herman

relationship heated up quickly,


to move at all, she fell asleep right away.

be with Anastasia all the time, becoming a total

he didn’t go to the office,


date with a girl, received

last thing Flynn liked was managing the company, he preferred drinking

all the joy of life, and his date

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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