Chapter 151

Salma simply didn’t want to butt into Anastasia and Herman’s newlywed life.

Anastasia and Herman had just tied the knot, and they were not even a few months in.

Understanding Salma’s thoughts, Anastasia said, “Mom, you see how busy Herman and I are, nobody’s gonna be around to watch over Pattie. With her going to and from school, she needs someone to drop her off and pick her up. We just won’t have the time. Mom, I have to lean on you.”

Hearing this, Salma glanced at Pattie and asked Anastasia, “So you’re saying, Pattie is gonna be living with us?”

Anastasia and Herman were still young; they would eventually have kids of their own. Taking care of someone else’s kid now would definitely put the pressure on them

Anastasia didn’t delve into the topic further with Pattie present. She passed her some food and said, “Eat up, Pattle.”

Pattie was a sensitive kid, she’d picked up on Salma’s words and realized she was probably a burden. She didn’t say anything, and just quietly ate her meal. After finishing her meal, she took it upon herself to clear the table and do the dishes, showing a level of maturity beyond her years.

some TV in the


family agrees, we’ll adopt her,” Anastasia answered with a smile. “Herman doesn’t

her, have you considered the costs?” Salma advised her, “You and Herman are going to want your own kids someday, have you calculated

reality and

couple had their own child and frequently abused Pattie. Look at her, she’s covered in bruises. She’s just over four years old and hasn’t started kindergarten. If this continues, her

“Pattie is a lovely child, and is pitiful, but we need to make decisions based on reality. What will you do

daughter years ago to not interfere with Anastasia’s happiness. Now Anastasia

left Anastasia speechless “Mom, things aren’t as bad as you’re making them out to be…”

all the pressure will fall onto your husband.” Salma gently tapped Anastasia’s forehead. “You silly girl, always too soft hearted. You have to listen to me on this, we can’t adopt her. You could help Pattie find a better family, wouldn’t that solve the problem? Why

she had to say, “Alright, Mom, let’s


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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