Avery thought he must be crazy.

So crazy that nothing could save him.

They were at the Moore residence, and his grandpa could return anytime.

Furthermore, he had other family members and also the nanny who might witness their intimate moment.

Much to her shock, she was kissed by Allie's biological son!

As for her, she was Allie's...

No, this isn't right.

This is so, so wrong.

“Let go of me!” Avery shook her head and struggled against his touch.

Their wet tongues intertwined. Just as she was protesting, he took the opportunity to venture deeper into her mouth and explored every inch of her sweetness.

The overbearing masculine scent of his aroused her, and alarm bells were ringing in her head.

When Cayden pressed her against the wall, she fought even harder.

However, she knew there was no way she could outfight Cayden. Once again, her mouth and lips were being assaulted to the extent that she could not breathe. The harder she struggled, the angrier Cayden became.

While devouring her lips, he was holding the back of her head with the hand that had the cigarette too. The ashes flew in all directions because of her struggle, but the cigarette did not extinguish.

With his other hand, he quickly removed his tie.

While her lips were being violated, she found her hands being restrained by him.

The very next moment, Avery widened her eyes in horror.

“What are you doing?”

Her hands had been bound by his tie.

She could not move her hands.

Her first instinct was to run, but Cayden carried her off her feet.

No matter how hard she kicked and struggled, it did not hurt him in the least bit.

Like a possessed man, Cayden made his way into the bedroom with her in his arms. The instant she tried to call out for help, he would kiss her hard on her lips and suck on that disobedient tongue of hers so that no words could escape her mouth.

After being brought into the bedroom, Avery was thrown onto the bed.

The mattress in the Moore residence was very bouncy, and she was unable to get up immediately. Instead, she saw Cayden locking the bedroom door.

She knew d*mn well what he intended to do.

“Don't be crazy. If you really do anything to me, I swear I will sue you for rape,” threatened Avery as she got down from the bed.

When Cayden locked the door, his back was facing her. She knew it was close to impossible for her to escape, but she had to try.

By the time he turned around, he had his attention on her. Cayden then began to unbutton his shirt with one hand while grabbing and pressing her down on the bed with the other.

Oh my God!

Avery felt like a fish lying on the chopping board waiting for her impending doom. A feeling of despair washed over her.

She found it hard to breathe as Cayden lay on top of her.

Cayden stared at her watery eyes, and a ruthless expression appeared on his face. While holding her body down, he yanked her top all the way up to her shoulders.

The air-conditioning had been turned on in the room, and she shuddered.

“No, you can't do this.” Avery had never experienced such a terrifying fear before in her life.

Just as she was about to say something else, Cayden came down on her again.

“Hmm... Ah...” Soft moans began to escape from her mouth.

That shameful feeling was even stronger than before, and it washed over her very quickly.

The man totally ignored her screams.

There were not many people at home at the moment, and the children were asleep. There was no way anyone from the other rooms could hear their commotion with the windows closed and the air-conditioning turned on.

Even if someone came back home now and heard her screams, they would know that Cayden was busy. It would be unlikely for them to barge in and put a stop to things. At most, they would only question Cayden about the noise while standing outside the door.

Just then, Avery saw a paring knife on the shelf in front of her.

Not too long ago when Blake was recuperating in Cayden's room, she had asked the housekeeper for a paring knife so that she could peel fruit for her grandpa. She did not expect that the knife would still be in the room.

After a long while, Cayden finally broke away from her red, swollen lips. Avery caught her breath and said with tears in her eyes, “What am I to you? Your plaything or somebody that you can use anytime to satisfy your sexual needs?”

With that, big drops of tears started to fall.

It was useless to use the hard approach on him, so she had no choice but to use the softer tactic.
The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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