Avery saw that the man who was standing outside the door was Dylan.

It showed that Dylan had returned to the theater to look for her in the VIP section and could not find her.

Therefore, Dylan must have come all the way to look for her out of anger.

As her rightful husband, he had to witness his legal wife “cheating” with another man right under his eyes. Yet, he had missed the best opportunity to catch them in the act.

At that moment, Dylan must have felt lousy. Even though the two of them had no feelings for one another, he still felt that the kiss from Cayden was an act of infidelity.

On the other hand, Avery did not see anything wrong with her seeing the dad of her children.

“Ery, is he your friend?” asked Nina awkwardly as she stood by the door. Judging from the way Dylan looked at Avery, Nina could tell that Avery knew the man.

Avery did not answer her friend's question.

Then, a thought crossed Nina's mind. I know each and every one of Avery's friends within the country. I also know her new colleagues.

But, I have never seen this man before.

There's only one possibility. Avery must have met this man when she was studying abroad. Now that both of them are back in the country, they still keep in touch.

However, judging from Dylan's expression, Nina had a bad feeling. She doubted that he was only Avery's friend.

Nina asked, “D-Do you want to come in and take a seat?”

However, Dylan ignored Nina who was blocking his way. His murderous gaze was fixated on the pair of white shoes lying on the shoe rack.

The amorous scene that took place in the VIP section of the theater started playing in his mind again.

“Come in. I have something to talk to you too,” said Avery coldly before going into the kitchen.

When she came out, she placed two glasses of water on the coffee table.

Nina walked away from the door now that Dylan had come in. She noticed that he was tall and had a pleasant aura.

However, compared to Cayden, Dylan still lacked a certain air of elegance that those from high society carried. Instead, there was a hint of wildness in him.

The suit on him looked like a piece of sheep skin covering the body of a wolf.

“Let me get you a pair of slippers.” With that, Nina helped to look for a pair from the shoe cabinet.

After changing into the more comfortable footwear, Dylan frowned when he noticed the size of the slippers.

Nina had no idea who Dylan was, so she explained kindly, “They belong to Ery's grandpa. You may use them for the time being.”

Hearing that the footwear belonged to Avery's grandpa, Dylan didn't mind wearing them.

The three of them stood in the living room in awkward silence.

Nina noticed that and felt they needed some privacy. Therefore, she told Avery, “I'm going to use the Internet in the bedroom. Call me if you need anything.”

Avery acknowledged with a nod.

Avery only allowed Dylan to enter the house with Nina around. Otherwise, she would not dare to meet someone who held no regard for the law on her own.

Honestly, if Nina had checked the peephole and Avery found out who the visitor was, Avery would have never let her open the door in the first place.

No matter how many times Dylan rang the doorbell, she would not open the door.

Now that there were only two of them left in the living room, Dylan did not sit down. Instead, he walked toward the shoe cabinet and took out the pair of white shoes.

After looking at them again and again, he held the shoes in his left hand and walked toward the kitchen.

“What are you trying to do with my shoes? Put them down.” With no clue what he was trying to do, Avery went after him.

Before she knew it, Dylan had already lit the stove and threw the pair of white shoes into the fire.

Avery wanted to save the shoes, but she was unable to fight against the powerful Dylan. In the end, she still did not manage to get her shoes back despite using all her might to get past him.

Amidst their struggle, Avery ripped off one of Dylan's buttons. At the same time, her shoes were completely burned.

Avery told him off in disbelief, “You are insane! You should go to the hospital and get yourself treated.”

Obviously, Nina was not using the Internet. That man looks frightening. What if he does something to Avery?

As her best friend, she had to be on guard!

The moment she heard Avery's angry lashing, Nina ran out of the bedroom immediately. When she saw no one in the living room, she quickly ran to the kitchen.

After realizing what had happened, Nina turned off the stove and saw the state of the shoes. She had no choice but to pour some water over them.

Finally, the fire had been put out.

However, there was still a burnt stench all over the kitchen.

After opening up the window to air the kitchen, Nina turned and eyed Dylan in fear. D*mn it! Is this man a moron?
The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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