“That's not...” Avery was getting tired of denying it. “Even if someone had secretly taken a photo, I'm certain that you have the power to take the news down. I was just feeling a little worn out after a long day of work and wanted to go home to rest...”

Cayden stared at her with a deep gaze as he closed the gap between them. “Even if someone had taken some photos, I still wouldn't stop them. This morning, you appeared on the news with him as a legally married couple. Jealousy has been raging inside my heart since then. You couldn't care less to have appeared on the news with him, and yet you mind when it's with me?” With a low voice, Cayden spat out the words.

Despite being taken aback, Avery lowered her voice, afraid that the children would overhear their conversation. “That was just an accident. There's nothing to be jealous about. He was just being childish.”

Dylan had absolutely no romantic feelings toward Avery. He had forced her to marry him purely to mess with her. Even if he had a hint of feelings toward her, their dysfunctional marriage was nothing to take pride in, much less to boast about.

Avery's nonchalance was perhaps due to her inability to put herself in Cayden's shoes. As a woman herself, there was no way she could fully comprehend a man's jealousy. Because of that, Avery decided to end the conversation, figuring it was best to avoid upsetting him and risking the children being at the mercy of his temper.

She was truly worried that the children would feel aggrieved by him whenever she was not watching him.

After all, she had witnessed multiple times with her own eyes the two children not daring to utter a sound out of fear of their father.

Cayden might have lost his senses due to his jealousy, but Avery still maintained a cool head.

Her rationality told her that it was a bad idea to go with him.

“If I'm not given the chance to claim my rightful place at least once, I might never get over it.” Cayden's expression darkened as he raised his gaze, catching the sight of Xavier approaching from afar. Before turning to leave, he tossed Avery a threat. “If I run out of patience, I wouldn't mind sharing the photos of us in bed with the media. Having a bad reputation for sleeping with my cousin's wife sounds like a thrilling experience.”

With that, he promptly turned and left.

On the other hand, Avery was dumbstruck. Her grip tightened on the laptop case as she stared blankly into space. Cayden's words echoed in her mind.

Photos of... How on earth does he get his hands on those?

Avery had always thought of herself as a light sleeper. During their passionate night together, Avery was certain that neither of them had even touched their phones whenever she was awake. Not even in the morning when they woke up.

So where did he get the photos from?

By then, Xavier had made his way to the car. As he approached, he greeted Avery with utmost respect before entering the car and starting the engine.

As Cayden's assistant, Xavier only regarded his woman with reverence. Hence, it was not realistic for him to treat Avery like a friend or even a colleague.

Even as the black Bentley drove off, Avery was still frozen in her spot.

Am I mistaken to think that I'm a light sleeper? Am I a heavy sleeper instead? How could I not have known if he had woken up in the middle of the night to take photos of us?

The images of that night played in her mind. A blush crept up her cheek as she recalled Cayden's stamina as she was about to faint from all the action. Perhaps he had snuck a few photos when I had passed out?

On the way back to her room along with her colleagues, Avery sent Cayden a WhatsApp text absentmindedly.

When did you take the photos?

For the next ten minutes, Avery kept a close eye on her phone screen every single second.

To her dismay, Cayden did not reply.

Have you seen my last text? If you really have taken the photos, I hope that you can delete them. Avery hit the send button after she typed out the message.

She was tempted to leave him a voice message but decided against it at the thought of the kids or Xavier overhearing the conversation.

After another half an hour, her colleagues started to prepare dinner. Only then did Avery let go of her phone and washed her hands before helping out with making dinner.

It was already six thirty in the evening by the time they finished dinner, yet the sky had not turned dark.

There were still no replies to the messages she had sent. Avery guessed that Cayden was still furious. Without another choice, she dialed his number.

I might as well enquire if he has yelled at the two kids simply because he's in a bad mood...

“Sorry, the number you have dialed is unavailable. Please try again later.”

As the automated voice sounded from the phone, Avery had no choice but to give up.

That night, Avery tossed and turned in her bed, unable to fall asleep.

Around nine o'clock in the evening, she received a WhatsApp text from Alina. Staring at Alina's profile picture, Avery could not help but think that she looked nothing like her aunt.

Avery chatted with Alina for a while before ending the conversation with a text: I'll only be going back to Ackleton with my colleagues this weekend. When I return, I'll be visiting Dad first, then I'll visit Grandpa. I promise I'll send you video clips of them.

By eleven, Avery finally felt sleepy. However, it was not a restful sleep despite the drowsiness she felt.

The next morning, Avery woke up. Just as she was about to freshen herself up, the blinking notification light next to her pillow caught her attention.

Nina had sent her a few texts.

Ery, are you up? I don't dare to call you just in case I disturb your rest. Text me back when you've read my message.

You're on the news again. Seriously, are you still asleep? Are there no persistent gossipers waking you up in your area?

Alright, alright. You go ahead and sleep. Sleep is good for your body. The news is just gonna make you stressed anyways.

Once she had finished reading the messages, Avery immediately opened the browser on her phone.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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