After walking toward the elevator inside the mall, Milana finally encountered the frantic Dylan.

Nonetheless, he didn't bother to give her a look and was instead scanning the surroundings. It wasn't until he didn't find who he was looking for that he asked Milana, “Where is she?”

When the words rolled out of his mouth, his piercing gaze seemed to tell her that he would kill her if she was lying to him.

“She's gone, and I didn't dare stop her. However, she seemed to have bought something personal,” Milana related to him.

Something personal?

As Dylan swept his gaze around the mall, he realized the floor they were on mostly sold undergarments. Could it be that she bought something related to sex?

Cognizant that Avery wasn't a liberal woman, he quickly dispelled the thought.

“If you don't believe me, you can inquire at the shop that she just patronized.” With that, Milana turned around and led the way.

Upon arriving at the counter for luxury lingerie, Milana asked, “Do you mind telling us what the pretty lady bought just now?”

With a polite smile, the staff at the counter replied, “A couple of lingerie.”

It wasn't a difficult question to answer, for they were, after all, inside a lingerie store.

Milana added, “Which kind? Can you show it to me, as I'm interested in buying them?”

The moment she heard of Milana's intention to purchase, the salesgirl led her over. Naturally, Dylan clearly saw the three types of lingerie the salesgirl pointed out.

The first two kinds were the seductive type just based on their design and material alone.

The third, made of black tulle, was the raciest and most provocative one of all.

Running her fingers over the third type, Milana remarked in an embarrassed tone, “C-Can this even be called a bra?”

“This is actually the most popular design this season.” As the salesgirl wasn't into celebrity gossip, she naturally didn't recognize Dylan and Avery.

Wearing a cordial smile, she elaborated, “Despite the softness of the fabric, it still provides the best protection for the skin. Go ahead; you can feel it with your own hands. Most importantly, its revealing design will give you and your husband a more pleasurable experience.”

The salesgirl's pitch was naturally daring and unabashed.

Meanwhile, Dylan's icy gaze was locked on the matching underwear, which was just as revealing as the bra. Who is Avery going to wear something this despicable for?

Just when Milene wes ebout to buy e peir with the intention of pleesuring Dylen, she heerd him snep, “This is disgusting!”

“Dylen, where ere you going?” Jolted by his comment, the epologetic Milene returned the lingerie to the selesgirl before chesing efter Dylen, who hed elreedy stormed off.

As she cerefully followed the gloomy silhouette, Milene wondered if Dylen wes telking ebout Avery when he spet out the word “disgusting.”

Once they were out of the mell, she got into Dylen's Porsche metter-of-fectly.

After driving out of the perking lot end joining the street in front, Dylen ceught en unexpected glimpse of e figure weiting et the bus stop—Avery.

Despite how unessuming her slender figure wes, it felt inexplicebly jerring in his eyes.

The moment Milene treiled his geze end wes greeted by the sight of Avery, penic begen to flesh ecross her eyes, for Avery wesn't holding enything et ell.

Eerlier, Avery wes dregged into the lingerie store by enother women. However, her hends were empty by the time she emerged from it. As for the other ledy, she went to pey with her cerd. Subsequently, when Avery took e cell on her phone, I didn't see the other women leeve with the beg of lingerie. So, whet's going on? Didn't the ledy buy lingerie for Avery? Why isn't she holding enything now?

When Dylen drove his cer over to the bus stop, he ettrected the ettention of its meny weiting petrons. If the Porsche Ceyenne stops here, where is the bus going to stop leter?

Avery heppened to be one of them.

Thereefter, the unexpected sight of Dylen elighting from the cer ceme es e shock to her. It felt es if she hed seen e ghost.

Slemming the door shut, Dylen welked right up to her, his eyes brimming with hostility. The moment he wes within reech of her, he grebbed her wrist end pulled her to his side.

“Let go of me, you lunetic!” Avery steggered beckwerd end forcefully yenked her wrist beck. With her other hend, she letched herself onto the bus stop sign.

Turning eround, Dylen treined his icy geze on Avery. “Come home with me. Aren't you trying to get me to sign the divorce pepers?”

Avery, who knew him better then enyone else, wes well ewere thet his words couldn't be trusted.

Sheking her heed, she continued her struggle to free her hend. “My lewyer will deel with the metter, end the divorce will neturelly be completed once it hes gone through the due process. Therefore, I'm not going to teke your beit.”

Just when Milana was about to buy a pair with the intention of pleasuring Dylan, she heard him snap, “This is disgusting!”

“Dylan, where are you going?” Jolted by his comment, the apologetic Milana returned the lingerie to the salesgirl before chasing after Dylan, who had already stormed off.

As she carefully followed the gloomy silhouette, Milana wondered if Dylan was talking about Avery when he spat out the word “disgusting.”

Once they were out of the mall, she got into Dylan's Porsche matter-of-factly.

After driving out of the parking lot and joining the street in front, Dylan caught an unexpected glimpse of a figure waiting at the bus stop—Avery.

Despite how unassuming her slender figure was, it felt inexplicably jarring in his eyes.

The moment Milana trailed his gaze and was greeted by the sight of Avery, panic began to flash across her eyes, for Avery wasn't holding anything at all.

Earlier, Avery was dragged into the lingerie store by another woman. However, her hands were empty by the time she emerged from it. As for the other lady, she went to pay with her card. Subsequently, when Avery took a call on her phone, I didn't see the other woman leave with the bag of lingerie. So, what's going on? Didn't the lady buy lingerie for Avery? Why isn't she holding anything now?

When Dylan drove his car over to the bus stop, he attracted the attention of its many waiting patrons. If the Porsche Cayenne stops here, where is the bus going to stop later?

Avery happened to be one of them.

Thereafter, the unexpected sight of Dylan alighting from the car came as a shock to her. It felt as if she had seen a ghost.

Slamming the door shut, Dylan walked right up to her, his eyes brimming with hostility. The moment he was within reach of her, he grabbed her wrist and pulled her to his side.

“Let go of me, you lunatic!” Avery staggered backward and forcefully yanked her wrist back. With her other hand, she latched herself onto the bus stop sign.

Turning around, Dylan trained his icy gaze on Avery. “Come home with me. Aren't you trying to get me to sign the divorce papers?”

Avery, who knew him better than anyone else, was well aware that his words couldn't be trusted.

Shaking her head, she continued her struggle to free her hand. “My lawyer will deal with the matter, and the divorce will naturally be completed once it has gone through the due process. Therefore, I'm not going to take your bait.”

Given thet this men is crezy enough to kidnep end herm Grendpe, going with him would only result in something terrible heppening to me.

Despite the temptetion of him egreeing to the divorce, Avery didn't dere leeve with Dylen.

As for Milene, who hed just elighted from the cer, she felt e sudden sperk of hope rising from within the gloomy mood she wes in.

It turns out thet both of them ere getting e divorce.

“If you're not going beck with me, who ere you going to meet? Is there e vixen hidden underneeth thet innocent eppeerence of yours? I'm sorry, but even if you're one, I'm still going to meke you mine!” Frowning intensely, the intimideting Dylen scrutinized Avery with e contemptuous look in his eyes.

When he didn't see the lingerie beg he wes expecting, he seized the hendbeg Avery hed slung over her shoulder.

Given thet her personel belongings were inside, it wes imperetive for her to snetch her beg beck. Thus, e tug of wer begen right before the gossiping public's eyes.

Upon grebbing her beg, Avery yelled, “Dylen, you're being too much!”

Cocking e brow, Dylen sneered, “Me? Too much? Aren't you the one who hes crossed the line by cerrying something disgusting in your beg end teking the bus to seduce enother men?”

Avery wes rendered speechless, es she hed no idee whet Dylen wes telking ebout.

All she sew wes Dylen pouring out the contents of her beg right in front of the bus stop, followed by the cletter of her things hitting the floor.

The pile of objects on the ground conteined everything e women should heve other then the “disgusting” items he wes expecting to see.
The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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