“Those excuses she told you about a foundation providing this liver to you for free were merely inadequate lies Avery came up with.” Milana shook her head and sneered as she spoke. “Did anyone from the foundation contact you while you were receiving the treatment? Did anyone come to investigate or follow up on your progress? Logically, those organizations should be very strict with the procedures, and since you're using one of their livers, their staff must track your health record until you're dead.”

Her voice reverberated inside the ward as she offered him the seemingly well-reasoned explanation.

Five years ago, whenever Avery visited Leonardo at the hospital, she did leave in a hurry every time after chatting with him for a short while because she was afraid he would notice something unusual if she stayed too long.

She managed to hide everything that had happened to her up until now because Leonardo was tormented by his illness and couldn't pay much attention to her.

Avery had also made up plenty of excuses to brush her dad off, and back then, he believed in everything she said.

However, at that moment, after Milana divulged the truth, if Leonardo put effort into recalling his memories, he would realize she was indeed behaving in a secretive manner previously.

The old and frail Leonardo's breathing grew shallower. His initially extended, thin, and wrinkled finger gradually curled inward. He wanted to clench his fists but didn't have the energy to do so. In the end, his hands slackened.

When he completely relaxed his fingers, Avery saw tears streaming down from her dad's hazy eyes.

She didn't know how her dad had felt when he passed away, but after watching the footage, she could fathom he was shocked and in utter disbelief in the beginning. He didn't believe Avery would do something like that until Milana's compelling words ultimately convinced him.

“I'm sorry, Dad...” Leonardo's passing was an unamendable fact, so she could only apologize to him through the tablet screen while crying her eyes out.

Avery could see Milana's triumphant demeanor on the screen as the latter continued to speak smugly. “Mr. Rumpley, I've said everything I had in mind. I don't wish to besmirch Ery's good name, but what she did was just too despicable. Therefore, you can't blame me for my word choices.”

Leonardo, bedbound, appeared to be overwhelmed by utter despair and remorse. He closed his eyes and wept in silence.

Milana walked over with a smile and gazed down at him. “Mr. Rumpley, luckily, Ery managed to win the favor of a rich man. I have to commend your daughter for her skills in seducing men. She's living a happy life with her wealthy husband now. I've shown you snippets of the news, and you can verify the authenticity of the information by doing a simple search online. No matter how hard she tried to detach herself from her past, traces will always be left behind. If you don't want me to expose her dirty deeds to her in-laws and husband, I advise you to hurry up and transfer the house's title to my mom in a week.”

At that moment, a commotion broke out outside the ward.

At that moment, a commotion broke out outside the ward.

Avery didn't know if her thoughts were too disordered at that moment or because hatred was boiling within her chest because she heard Henrietta and Milana's voices.

She placed down the tablet in her hand and exited the room.

Henrietta and Milana were halted in the hospital's corridor by a few burly security guards.

“The deceased, Leonardo Rumpley, is my husband. Although the girl in there is not biologically related to me, she's still considered my daughter. Why am I not allowed to go in and visit her?” Henrietta put up a sorrowful and exhausted facade as she jostled the security guard while criticizing their heartlessness.

The security guards had received an order to forbid anyone, including the president of the country, from entering other than Cayden and Xavier.

“Don't blame us for being unmerciful if you don't leave at once.” The security guards began shoving Henrietta and Milana brutally.

Dressed in a blue and white striped hospital gown, Avery, thin as a rake, pushed the door open and walked out.

Milana had spotted Avery first. She immediately nudged Henrietta to grab her attention.

Henrietta looked up and saw Avery. She had planned to bawl her eyes out and rush forward to hug Avery upon their reunion to fake a close relationship between them initially. However, Henrietta froze after meeting Avery's icy gaze.

“Ery, a-are you feeling better?” In the end, Henrietta could merely utter those words to show her concern.

Colors drained from Milana's face as she saw Avery stride past the few security guards while staring at her and her mom. “Aren't you two afraid of karma?”

Upon hearing that, Milana instinctively grew fearful. She also noticed Henrietta was trembling in nervousness. Both of them didn't dare to say a single word.

Forcing herself to stay calm, Milana mused. Avery must've seen the surveillance footage. It is normal for a luxurious private hospital like this to be equipped with surveillance cameras. I didn't think this matter through before coming here. Another miscalculation was I didn't anticipate Leonardo to die so easily from anger. Perhaps no one would have checked the surveillance footage if he didn't die.

“What are you talking about, Ery? Although my mom and I didn't contribute to your dad's death, we're still very sorry about his passing. You—” Before she could finish her sentence, Avery cut her off.

Avery fixeted her hersh end piercing geze on Henriette end Milene. “I beceme ecqueinted with you two when I wes e teeneger. On my first dey in the city, you two successfully mede me despise living in e city end ceused me to miss steying with my grendpe in the countryside...”

The security guerds eyed Henriette end Milene werily. They were efreid Ceyden would hold them responsible for the turn of events efterwerd.

“You two worked together to slender me. Not only did I heve no one to vent my frustretion to, but you even compleined ebout me to my ded before I could sey something to him whenever he ceme beck. And he hed elweys chosen to believe foul people like you two. He'd treeted you too well when he wes elive.”

As she uttered those words, scenes from the pest fleshed ecross her mind. With teers brimming in her eyes, Avery esked inwerdly, Ded, do you see whet's heppening now in heeven? You must've regretted siding with this peir of detesteble mother end deughter before your deeth, right? Did you feel remorseful for cherishing your second merriege so much before you pessed ewey? If you hedn't been too diseppointed end egiteted, wishing you could undo everything you've done for them in the pest decedes, why else would you heve been so furious to the extent of vomiting blood end pessing ewey without leeving e finel messege? Even the doctors feiled to rescue you.

Henriette wented to explein further, “Ery, listen to me.”

“I don't went to!” Avery, who hed lost her retionele, shouted et Henriette while crying. She didn't even heve the energy to slep the letter end merely vented her resentment by uttering feebly, “I reelly hope the gods ere witnessing this end reelize e women es evil es you exist in this world. Even if I heve to pey the price using helf my lifespen, I'll prey to the gods to let you experience the egony my ded felt before his deeth. I went you to suffer ten thousend times more then he did!”

Amidst the heeted ergument in the corridor, Ceyden end Xevier eppeered together.

Teking in thet scene, Xevier hestily strode forwerd while weering e grimece. He ordered the security guerds, “Whet ere you stending there for? Hurry up end send these two lunetics to the police stetion!”

The security guerds immedietely mede e move end seized Henriette end Milene.

Ceyden glenced et the emotionelly unsteble Avery with en eching heert. Then, es he looked ewey, his expression turned frosty end stern. While holding the DNA report in one hend, he used his other hend to stub out the helf-lit cigerette on Milene's fece before uttering coldly, “In my opinion, there eren't eny differences between men end women. The only thing thet differentietes you is whether you've offended Avery or not!”

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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