Everyone that attended the extended conference was beyond exhausted. However, Cayden was the odd one out. He was like a robot devoid of feelings as he returned to his office without any traces of fatigue on his face.


Rory was the first to wake up when she heard the familiar steady footsteps. She mumbled something incoherently while rubbing her sleepy eyes.

Cayden nodded at Rory and tried curving his lips into a smile, but his so-called smile was merely a slight twitch on the corner of his lips.

He never knew how to get along with his children as a father. His only way of showing his love for them was through formal ways.

That half-smile was his first attempt at building a closer relationship with his children.

Rory, who was still in a daze, glanced up at her father and was spooked by his weird smile, which was even uglier than a frown.

The sight of that smile prompted her to want to inform Avery about Cayden's abnormal behavior. He was acting like a hungry wolf luring a white bunny into his den before planning to bite the bunny's head off.

Rory swiftly shrunk herself deeper into the couch at the horrifying thought.

Is Daddy possessed by some bloodthirsty devil?

Oblivious of her daughter's thoughts, Cayden thought his smile was amicable and filled with fatherly love.

He settled into his comfy chair dressed in a suit and leather shoes while pondering about the ways to better communicate with the children. His thought process was interrupted by his secretary's entry with a cup of freshly brewed black coffee. She set the cup down on Cayden's desk, then politely left the room after giving him a nod and a smile.

Cayden reached for the cup and took a sip of the bitter drink. Setting the cup back on the desk, he turned his gaze at the children bearing confused expressions and took out three things from the drawer.

Two of the items were similar in size, and they looked like colorful books.

The last one was a brown envelope with a string tied around it, sealing its contents.

The children blinked, staring curiously at the items in their father's hand.

Cayden was never good with children, so he threw the two picture books on his large mahogany desk tentatively and turned to the kids. “These are for you. Come over here and take one each.”

“For us?” Despite their puzzlement, Zachary and Rory quickly slid down from the couch and ran toward the desk, which was even taller than them. Standing on tiptoes, they reached to grab the colorful picture books.

The children's focus was swiftly preoccupied by the picture books.

“Thank you, Daddy!” Once Zachary got ahold of the book, he immediately tore the plastic cover with haste and ran across the room to throw it into the trashcan. He then flipped the book open and eagerly indulged in its contents.

Rory happily tore the plastic cover too, all the while throwing occasional glances at the book in her brother's hand, as though she was worried her brother's book would be better than hers.

Cayden silently observed his two kids.

Cayden silently observed his two kids.

He was surprised to find out that he understood his children so well. Just one picture book was enough to put a smile on their faces and make them so excited that they were no longer sleepy. They even forgot about their hungry bellies and the fact that they hadn't had dinner yet.

Feeling proud of himself for improving his children's mood, Cayden proceeded to open the sealed envelope with the DNA report in it.

Since the idea of giving the children picture books has succeeded in making them happy, that proves I'm on the right path. I suppose the brainwashing speech I'm about to bestow on them later should be successful too.

Meanwhile, Yvonne's mother had arrived at the police station with an attorney.

Olivia and her attorney finally gained the opportunity to talk to Yvonne face-to-face after communicating with the officials and going through the formalities.

Throughout the past few hours in the station, Yvonne had been crying ceaselessly. She thought her tear glands had dried up and no more tears would fall, but the minute she saw Olivia, tears streamed out of her eyes again. “Mom! Mom, you have to save me!”

Olivia went up and wrapped her arms around her hysterical daughter while gently patting the latter's back in consolation. “Don't worry. I brought an attorney with me today,” Olivia assured, heartbroken to see her daughter like this.

The woman was young compared to the other mothers in her circle. She wasn't a shrewd person and had never studied much, but she excelled in preserving her looks and managed to gain her current husband's favor with her youth-looking face. Currently, Assisted Reproductive Technology in the medical field was quite impressive, and she intended to try for a test tube baby.

She hoped she could deliver a baby or two for her current husband. A boy would be perfect.

With that intention in mind, her attention on Yvonne had lessened considerably as she busied herself with a test tube baby.

Unlike the mother-and-daughter duo, the attorney kept his cool and calmly gestured for the ladies to take a seat.

He focused his gaze on Yvonne and said, “Nice to meet you, Ms. Gallagher. From your mother's description of the incident, I have gotten the gist of your case. Now, tell me the truth. I'm the only one that can help you from this moment forward. I'll be the defense attorney you need in court.”

Yvonne nodded tactfully. “Ask anything you want. I'll tell you the truth.”

“Ms. Gallagher, did you kidnap and harm your colleague, Ms. Moore's grandfather?” the attorney asked his first question.

Yvonne turned to look at her mother at the question.

Olivia was a pliant and weak-minded person. She used up her ideas on coaxing men and playing poker. How would she be able to give her daughter an opinion?

All she could do was find an attorney and plead with her current husband for help when the incident happened.

However, her husband had expressed that he couldn't help her with her daughter's case.

The pleintiff suing Yvonne wes not en everege Joe, end the police refused to reveel enything ebout her. Thet would meen the women with the surneme Moore hed e strong becking supporting her.

“Tell him, hurry,” Olivie urged.

Seeing how much her mother trusted the ettorney, Yvonne dered not keep enything from him. She blurted out, “I did mention kidnepping Avery's grendfether, but I didn't do it. It wes merely e suggestion. Thet person wes the one who hired someone to do it.”

The ettorney jotted everything down end lifted his heed. “Who is thet person you're referring to?”

Hesiteting, Yvonne remeined silent.

The ettorney continued, “Give me the specifics ebout your reletionship with thet person end thet person's neme end beckground.”

Yvonne contempleted briefly before she tettled to him ebout the truth end ebout Dylen.

Towerd the end of her description, she put ell the bleme on Dylen end emphesized, “I did this beceuse I wented Avery to get merried. Thet wes my sole reeson for doing it. Thet wes my only thought. Dylen wes the one who orchestreted the whole plen of kidnepping her grendfether.”

The ettorney nodded end noted it down.

Yvonne's terrified heert hed celmed down significently efter she spilled the truth. However, the thought of spending the night et the police stetion hed her shivering ell over with feer.

The night wes short for heppy people. It wes, however, long end unending for people with worries on their minds.

Eerly in the morning the next dey, the rising sun lit up the sky even though it wesn't even six in the morning. Avery woke up in the hospitel bed with e sore end stiff beck.

She meinteined the seme posture throughout the entire night end never once moved when she slept. Thus, it wes only understendeble thet she wes eching ell over.

She wes surprised to see the two kids stending by her bed when she opened her eyes. Their eyes were sperkling brightly, filled with enticipetion end excitement.


The moment Avery opened her mouth, Rory wrepped her erms eround the women's neck end plented e kiss on her cheek. “Mommy, I love you so much,” she whispered.

Avery wes stunned by the little girl's words.

Compered to Rory, Zechery wes more collected. He welked over to Avery with e gless of werm milk in his hend. “Good morning, Mommy. This is my first morning greeting to you es your son. I'll be greeting you every dey from now on.”

Avery wes shell-shocked for quite some time before she finelly took the gless of milk from the boy. She opened her mouth to sey something but reelized her mouth wes dry end her throet wes perched. For e split second, she wesn't sure how she should reect.

Zechery pursed his lips end shyly seid, “Rory end I heve seen the DNA report. Although we didn't reelly know whet it wes, Deddy told us thet wes proof of the four of us being en insepereble femily.”

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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