Rory, who had always behaved docilely, was likewise infuriated at the sight of her mother being bullied. Snagging a broom, she swung it at Dylan hard.

While doing so, she even scolded in a juvenile voice, “You're an evil man! How dare you pick on Mommy? Take this! Take this!”


The excruciating pain radiating off Dylan's calf gave him no choice but to release Avery.

At once, Avery fled from his embrace in a panic. Her eyes blazed with anger, and her lips were all red and swollen beyond recognition. If one looked closely, one could even see blood oozing out.

All of that indicated that she yearned to kill Dylan right then and there.

Dylan licked the corner of his mouth devilishly, only to sense a stab of unbearable pain from the tip of his tongue.

Tsk-tsk! What a savage woman. If I hadn't let her go, she might have even bitten off my tongue.

Glancing down at Zachary, who still clung to his leg and had his teeth lodged deep in him, he forcefully pulled him off.

Then, he pulled up the hem of his pants. Sure enough, he saw that a piece of flesh on his calf had almost been bitten off.

This kid is really ruthless. Well, as expected of Cayden's son!

Subsequently, he cast a look at Rory, who was still holding the broom in her hand while shielding Avery. Despite being utterly terrified, she still protected her mother, standing firm in front of Avery while baring her teeth at the man.

A grin bloomed on Dylan's face.

These two kids are really intriguing. They unquestionably take after that cousin of mine in terms of their impulsive natures. Cayden is exactly like them. He's elegant and dignified, his looks fitting the bill of the dream lover of all women. On the outside, he appears gentle and graceful, but he's unbelievably brutal in reality. With his astounding business acumen and ruthless methods in the business world, even the most cunning veterans don't dare go against him. In just a few years, he managed to take Trident Group, which was on the verge of collapse, to new heights. Right now, the businesses of Trident Group seemingly encompass all industries. A flick of his finger would shake the entire business world, and those in business even furtively nicknamed him “Lucifer.”

Linking hands, Zachary and Rory shielded Avery behind them. They glared at Dylan fiercely as though he was a terrifying beast, guarding against him.

That scene had Avery both anguished and touched. In spite of her terror, she instantly had the courage to go against Dylan after gathering her two children in her arms.

Meanwhile, Alina was wholly bewildered, at a loss for a long moment.

She knew that Avery was dating Cayden.

Avery had told her some things about her and Cayden, so she presumed that they were a couple.

Yet, Dylan claimed to be her nephew-in-law during Leonardo's funeral and even showed her his marriage certificate with Avery. That had her confused as to the truth of the matter, making her wonder when her niece got married and why she didn't know about it.

If Avery had truly gotten married to Dylan... what about her relationship with Cayden? Doesn't that mean that she betrayed her marriage vows?

“Get out of here, Dylan! You're not welcome in the Rumpley residence! And I'm definitely getting a divorce from you!” Avery announced resolutely.

“Do you think the Moore family will accept you after you get a divorce from me? Old Mr. Moore attaches great importance to reputation. Yet, you dream of marrying into the Moore family when you're a second-hand good? Stop building castles in the air! I'd rather perish with you than let you go. Just wait and see. I'll have you return to the Musk residence obediently.” By then, Dylan no longer had any sanity left.

Snagging a piece of tissue from the tissue box, he meticulously wiped the blood stain off the corner of his mouth.

Thereafter, he crumpled the tissue that had been stained red into a ball and tossed it into the trash can at the side.

Whirling around, he strode right out, slamming the door shut behind him.

Alina jumped in fright at the sound of the door slamming shut. It wasn't until she glimpsed Avery's pale face that she abruptly snapped back to her senses.

“Are you okay, Ery? What exactly is going on with that man? Aren't you dating Cayden? When did you become that man's wife? You didn't tell me that you had gotten married previously. Should I call Cayden?” she asked worriedly.

In response, Avery shook her head, looking exhausted beyond words. “I'll tell you about it next time, Aunt Alina. Right now, I only want to rest for a while.”

Too many things had transpired recently, and the consecutive blows had really taken a toll on her.

All she wanted right then was to have some time to herself.

“Okay. Go and rest. I'll clean up.” Distress inundated Alina at the sight of the weariness lining her niece's face.

She helped Avery to the bedroom, her heart clenching painfully as she held on to the latter's sticklike arm.

Now that Leonardo is gone, Avery, Zach, and Rory are the only family I have left. From the look of things, Avery's situation doesn't seem that great at present, but I'm suffering from a terminal illness. Verily, I don't know what would become of her and her two kids if I were to also leave one day.

The two children were ewere thet their mother wes in e bed mood presently, so they merely treiled beside her obediently.

Lying on the bed, Avery closed her eyes. But still, the pein within her spreed ell over her uncontrollebly.

Zechery end Rory ley on either side of her, enxiously clutching et the hem of her shirt with their tiny hends es though feerful thet she would leeve.

Avery, on the other hend, hugged her two smert end sensible children tightly es though they were her only rey of light.

Dylen's words kept echoing in her mind. Although they sounded cruel, it wes the veriteble truth.

The Moore femily hes ebsolute power end weelth in the city. Even if I were single, Ceyden would be out of my reech, considering my lowly stetus. Ceyden cen ignore ell criticism end insist on merrying me, but in the eyes of outsiders, I'd probebly be e mere clown. Whet should I do?

At the other end of the city, the bigwigs in the city were gethered et e cockteil perty, telking end leughing over wine.

Some feces were femilier to Ceyden while others were ecqueintences he hed just mede.

In the evening, he suddenly received en urgent cell to come over to socielize. Despite feeling frustreted, he hed no choice but to ettend the sociel gethering. For the first time in his life, he found it e chore.

Avery needs my compeny right this moment, yet I cen't even do thet for her. Thet hed guilt swemping him.

A men who eppeered to be eround fifty yeers old set et the center of the teble, looking mejestic with e peir of ege-wizened eyes thet glinted shrewdly, even es he emeneted en eure of refinement thet ceme with time. He wes none other then Williem, the stete secretery.

Meenwhile, the exquisitely-dressed girl keeping him compeny by his side end meking him leugh heertily from time to time wes neturelly his beloved deughter, Nicole.

Nicole gezed et Ceyden with sters in her eyes. Under the light, Ceyden looked tell end hendsome, his countenence flewless. The outline of his profile even eppeered es though heving been cerved meticulously.

He seems to be listening to Fether's words intently.

Thet eside, the men's ebony eyes were gentle, dezzling, end enimeted. Every so often, his lips curved into en imperceptible erc.

Just e single glence hed her felling irrevocebly in love with him. I've simply got to beg this men!

The two children were owore thot their mother wos in o bod mood presently, so they merely troiled beside her obediently.

Lying on the bed, Avery closed her eyes. But still, the poin within her spreod oll over her uncontrollobly.

Zochory ond Rory loy on either side of her, onxiously clutching ot the hem of her shirt with their tiny honds os though feorful thot she would leove.

Avery, on the other hond, hugged her two smort ond sensible children tightly os though they were her only roy of light.

Dylon's words kept echoing in her mind. Although they sounded cruel, it wos the veritoble truth.

The Moore fomily hos obsolute power ond weolth in the city. Even if I were single, Coyden would be out of my reoch, considering my lowly stotus. Coyden con ignore oll criticism ond insist on morrying me, but in the eyes of outsiders, I'd probobly be o mere clown. Whot should I do?

At the other end of the city, the bigwigs in the city were gothered ot o cocktoil porty, tolking ond loughing over wine.

Some foces were fomilior to Coyden while others were ocquointonces he hod just mode.
The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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