Cayden turned around, intending to smoke outside to calm himself down.

The moment he took a step toward the door, a soft, pale hand grabbed the corner of his shirt discreetly.

He turned around once again and saw Avery looking up at him with a tear-stained face. She pleaded, “Cayden, I beg you. Please don't walk away.”

The moment Cayden saw her crouching down like an abandoned kitten, his heart softened.

The smell of disinfectant in the hospital gave Avery an urge to throw up. Meanwhile, the needle that the nurse was holding made Avery inexplicably anxious.

She had too many horrifying memories in her mind that she did not dare to reminisce. Though the pain had faded away, she continued to have lingering fear about it.

With trembling hands, Avery tugged one of Cayden's fingers tightly. It seemed like she was afraid that he would leave her alone in the nightmarish place.

After that, she pounced into his arms. The frail look on her face was something that Cayden had never seen before.

The fact that Avery was so afraid of being injected with a needle puzzled him. There was nothing peculiar about the reaction if it was coming from a child. On the other hand, for an adult to have such a huge reaction, she must have been hiding something—something that he had overlooked.

I need to find out what happened to her later on.

Then, Cayden picked her up and noticed that she was continuously stroking her stomach. Deep down, he knew that it was due to the pain of crashing into the corner of the table.

At that moment, he slightly regretted what he had done.

He realized that he should not have treated her so harshly and unreasonably.

Avery felt slightly relieved after burying herself in Cayden's arms and wrapping both her hands around his neck tightly. It was as if he was the only one she could rely on. His strong arms were like a safe haven that was enough to make her temporarily forget the bad memories.

Cayden hugged her tightly. Enveloping her small hands in his huge ones, he said with a coaxing tone, “You don't have to be afraid anymore. Why don't we go to another hospital?”

Nevertheless, Avery shook her head firmly. With a solemn expression, she said hastily, “I don't want to go to the hospital. I want to go home.”

A hospital was the place that connected the dead and the living. One by one, the hospital witnessed the birth of the living. At the same time, fragile lives ended in the hospital as well.

The needles that Avery was afraid of existed in there. Furthermore, it was the place where her father passed away. Thus, she had a strong repulsion against hospitals.

Conflicting feelings flashed discreetly in Cayden's eyes. “All right. Let's go home.”

Afraid that he would go back on his words, she held on to his sleeve firmly. Even her eyes were fixed on the direction that he was taking.

The moment they arrived at the entrance to the hospital, she caught a cold gust of wind blowing on her face. Only when she felt the cold, bone-piercing sensation did she gradually feel relaxed.

Cayden carried her into the parking lot and noticed that the strength around his neck had weakened.

Thus, he lowered his head to check on her condition and realized that Avery had unknowingly fallen asleep.

He gave her a kiss on her forehead.

Then, he proceeded to put her gently inside the car.

The black Land Rover blended with the night as it headed home speedily.

True to his words, Cayden did not bring her to another hospital. Instead, he brought her straight to his mansion. On the way home, he gave a call to the private doctor of the Moore family.

Yuvan Sotheby had just finished two urgent and major surgeries when he received unrelenting calls from Cayden.

Both patients were prominent figures in the political and business areas. Thus, he had to be extremely focused.

As the two surgeries were done nearly back to back, Yuvan was in the operating room for the whole day and night. He was only able to go home to clean up and get some rest after the surgeries were successfully completed. However, he received another call from Cayden the moment he lay on his bed.

Fearing that Cayden was heavily injured and on the brink of death, he drove quickly to the address that Cayden had given him.

However, Yuvan realized that he had been tricked by Cayden when he arrived at the location. It turned out that the latter only wanted him to attend to a young lady who had a normal fever. It made Yuvan so angry that he nearly left the place.

I'm a professor who graduated from the Department of Medicine at Horington University and treated many influential people. My time is extremely precious. Does he not know that time is money to me? But now I'm told to attend to a young lady who is not even in a dire situation. What a waste of my time.

Nevertheless, when Yuvan saw Cayden's darkened, handsome face, the former did not dare to say anything. He could only keep his frustration to himself. As a matter of fact, he realized that Cayden was getting better at using people.

“It's just an ordinary fever. Not a big deal. Since she is afraid of needles, I'll prescribe her pills that are soluble in water. I can guarantee that she'll get better. Meanwhile, I've put a pain relief medicinal patch for the sprain on her ankle. She can walk after taking a rest for a few days.”

After treating the injury on Avery's ankle, Yuvan looked at her pale and innocent face. He clicked his tongue before saying, “Cayden, you've not had any women for years. Are you addicted to them now? Look at the hickeys around the young lady's neck. Anyone can see that a man has treated her roughly. If you continue to be this rough toward her, she'll be afraid of you.”

Cayden sat at Avery's bedside and gently stared at her sleeping face.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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