Nicole clenched her fists as she thought about how unworthy Avery was of an outstanding gentleman like Cayden.

When George heard Cayden mention Avery's name, his eyes instantly lit up. “Avery? Cayden, is she the one who designed my new house?”

“Yes, Old Mr. Lambert. I'm responsible for the design, so if you have any complaints or anything you'd like to change, do let me know,” replied Avery in a humble yet confident tone, which George greatly appreciated.

This young woman is both talented and gracious. Looking at Avery and Cayden, George could not help but think what a match made in heaven the two were.

On the other side, Fiona noticed the grim look on Nicole's face.

As someone who had been there, she knew Nicole had fallen in love the moment she saw how mesmerized her granddaughter was by Cayden.

Fiona was heartbroken when she noticed Nicole's dull face after the young woman heard Cayden introduce Avery as his girlfriend.

Unlike George, Fiona loved Nicole, her only granddaughter, very much.

Hence, it was only natural that Fiona, who assumed Avery stole Nicole's man, gave Avery a dirty look before inquiring, “Cayden, which prominent family does this lady beside you belong to?”

Even though Cayden did not appreciate how Fiona looked at Avery, he did not show it.

Instead, he simply tightened his grip on Avery's hand. “Ery doesn't belong to any prominent families, but I like her more than those who do.”

Fiona scoffed in response to that. If she's not of a prominent family, that means she's a nobody.

Convinced that Avery was someone insignificant, Fiona disliked the young woman even more.

Despite Avery's exceptional beauty and temperament, the elderly woman took the young lady's courteous behavior as a sign of timidness because of her prejudice against Avery.

Avery could clearly sense that Fiona disliked her and was puzzled by it. This is my first time meeting Old Mrs. Lambert and Mrs. Lambert, so why do they look at me with such hostility?

On the other hand, Cayden wrapped his arm around Avery's waist and nodded courteously at George as if everything was fine. “I should let you get back to enjoying your tea, Old Mr. Lambert. I'll show Avery around.”

Of course, he could tell how uneasy Avery felt at the party.

If it were not for George, Cayden would not have attended such a pointless gathering.

“Sure. Make yourself at home, Cayden,” responded George casually.

Then, Cayden went to the other side of the hall with Avery.

With a face as grim as death, Nicole seemed to be planning something as she watched the two walk away.

The huge five-star hotel had all kinds of branded stores, exotic bars, restaurants, coffee shops, and other facilities for guests to enjoy. One could even compare the establishment to a small resort.

Cayden led Avery to the hotel terrace, where an oval crystal coffee table stood before a floor-to-ceiling window.

On the table was a pot of brewed tea and several exquisite-looking porcelain cups, and beside it were two wicker chairs garlanded with flowers.

Anyone who sat in those chairs could either look up at the starry sky or enjoy the city lights.

Most importantly, the spot was quiet since not many people were around.

“If you feel uncomfortable in there, wait for me here. I'll take you home when I'm done socializing.” Cayden picked up Avery and placed her on the wicker chair.

Then, he pecked Avery on the forehead before handing her a card from his wallet. “Take this card. Use it to pay for anything you want, but remember to return here before twelve so I can find you.” Cayden spoke to Avery as though she was a child.

“I will. You're not worried about a grown-up like me getting lost, are you? I'll be here when you get back,” promised Avery after rising awkwardly from the chair.

Only after hearing that did Cayden return to the main hall in peace.

As the person in charge of Trident Group, Cayden seemed as though he could do anything he wanted, but that was not the case.

There were some social events he simply could not turn down.

After the man left, Avery looked around boredly.

The truth was that Avery had never been very good at socializing since she was somewhat introverted. The fact that it was her first time attending an upper-class party did not help with her nervousness.

It was only at that moment that she felt a bit more relaxed.

Avery thought George was an amiable elderly but could not figure out what she did wrong when she remembered the strange look Claire and Fiona gave her. It seemed as if they disliked me, but why...

Even though Avery had no idea what was going on, she did not think it was worth racking her brains over. It's not as if I'll see them again after this...

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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