Meanwhile, Nicole woke up from her sleep. When she opened her eyes, an empty yet lavish hotel room entered her vision.

Her whole body hurt as if it was ripped in half, and her waist was so sore that she almost failed to sit up straight.

Furthermore, her lower region smarted as well.

She pinched her throbbing temples, and the memory of sleeping with that man surfaced in her mind.

She remembered the messy bed, her formal dress that was ripped into pieces, and the bruises and love marks made everywhere on her body.

As Nicole remembered the man's warm skin, his figure and his face gradually overlapped with Cayden's.

A pink blush colored Nicole's cheeks.

As expected of the man I've set my eyes on! Not only does he have the perfect looks, but his skills in bed are exceptional! I don't think I can forget this wonderful feeling anytime soon.

And now, her desire to win Cayden over burned brighter.

However, she had a thought. Why was Cayden a bit too rough with me yesterday?

It was my first time, after all! Shouldn't he be a little more gentlemanly?

She couldn't remember the countless times he had his way with her. She remembered how she fell deep into the abyss and was burnt by fire. She could remember the extreme pain, and at the end, when she begged him to stop, crying her throat raw, he never stopped.

However, not everything was terrible since she had a taste of something she had never tried before during her ignorant days.

The more I think about it, the better it gets. I didn't expect I would feel happiness and pleasure from sleeping with him. It was amazing.

Despite that, the erotic memory eventually faded, and Nicole was starting to get irritated.

Cayden is too much! After taking my first night yesterday, he had the gall to leave me alone in the hotel the following morning! What's more, he didn't even leave something for me to change into!

The more she thought, the angrier she got.

As Nicole bore the pain and forced herself up. Then, her phone rang. It was her manager.

Unfortunately, Nicole was in a bad mood, so she rejected the call without a second thought.

Not long after she had rejected that, she received a call from Claire.

After seeing her mother's number on the phone, Nicole steeled herself and answered it. “Mom...”

“Nickie, where are you right now?” Claire asked.

At that instant, Nicole felt a stab of guilt, and she lied, “Mom, I'm with my manager. Because there was something wrong with the new film shooting, the investors, producers, directors, and cast were on set, trying to come up with a plan to deal with it. So, I went there as well...”

“You know that yesterday was your grandpa's seventieth birthday and also a good opportunity to get closer to him. You have always been a sensible girl, but why did you leave midway? Moreover, why didn't you tell us you were leaving? To make it worse, you didn't come home last night, and now your father is very angry.” Although Claire sounded calm, Nicole could feel her disappointment toward her actions in her words.

Nicole's heart lurched.

My adoptive father is my greatest backer! I don't want to make him angry!

“Mom, I'm sorry. Something came up yesterday. After I go back, I'll explain it to Dad properly. Mom, you know I love you the most! So can you put in a good word for me to Dad, please?” Nicole pleaded coyly.

Her daughter's apologetic yet playful tone traveled into Claire's ears.

Claire sighed. “All right, if it wasn't for your unseemly behavior, I don't want to scold you either. I only have you. Next time, don't make these kinds of mistakes, okay?”

“Alright, Mom. I'll remember that.”

After hanging up the phone, Nicole felt a little troubled.

Nevertheless, she thought it was worth all the scolding she got now that she had slept with Cayden.

After that, Nicole called the front desk receptionist to send a set of clothing for her to change into.

When she passed the front desk after changing, Nicole stopped and inquired the receptionist about the man who checked into their room.

Even though she knew the man who slept with her was Cayden, she wanted to confirm her suspicions.

Alas, she did not get a definite answer from the front desk. They told her that the man had mysterious origins and a solid background, but they couldn't disclose anything else.

At their answer, Nicole felt a little weight lifted off her chest.

Even though the receptionist did not tell her who that man was, Nicole was sure he was Cayden.

First of all, the hotel she was staying in was Ackleton's most luxurious hotel. So, the price of staying in one of their rooms per night would be extremely high. Moreover, she knew that one might not be able to rent a room without any connection.

Based on those facts, she was pretty sure that man was Cayden, whom she loved so much.

Nicole decided to visit the Moore family and check it out.

After all, it was Cayden who took her virginity away, and he had to take responsibility for that.

Moreover, she knew Allie liked her. If Allie knew she and Cayden slept together, wouldn't the former hold a party to celebrate the occasion?

As Nicole fantasized, she called her exclusive driver, and he drove her to the Moore residence.

It had snowed heavily last night, but the sky cleared up the next day. Although the street cleaners had removed the piled-up snow from the road, traffic was still slow.

Anxious, Nicole wished she could arrive at the Moore residence sooner.

Meanwhile, the atmosphere in the Moore residence was extremely tense.

If Cayden hadn't firmly gripped Avery's wrist, she would have dashed out from the door and run away.

As Allie glanced at the uneasy Avery, the former did not hide her displeasure at the latter. “Avery, you dare to put on airs when you're not even married into this family? Do you think you can marry into the Moore family if you're this rude?”

Avery lowered her head and remained quiet.

Holding Avery's hand, Cayden said to Jeffrey, “Grandpa, didn't you say you liked children? You also wished for a large family, right? So, I tried my best with Avery all night to fulfill your wish of getting a grandchild the next year. This is why I wanted her to sleep in for a while longer, and I hope everyone would excuse her for this.”

Avery secretly pinched the back of Cayden's hand.

Why did this man announce something so private to everyone? This is embarrassing!

In the dining room, other than the two innocent children, the rest were in the know. Naturally, they knew what Cayden was implying.

When Jeffrey saw Avery's tired face, the former's anger eased off.

Initially, Jeffrey had a good impression of Avery. But after a series of happenings, especially when she was married to Dylan, Jeffrey was not quite happy with her. He felt like he had a lump in his chest whenever he saw her, which made him feel uncomfortable.

However, he knew his grandson, Cayden, liked her, and she was his darling grandchildren's biological mother too.

Even though Jeffrey still objected to Cayden being together with that woman, his complaint toward her had considerably lessened.
The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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