Avery rushed to the address Nina gave her and found her sitting in a daze outside the obstetrics and gynecology department.

Her lone, slender figure seemed exceptionally heartbreaking without a husband or boyfriend by her side.

Nina had lost considerable weight. Her face had an unfamiliar sharpness, with bangs almost reaching her eyes, obscuring her expression, except for her mouth tightening into a hard line, betraying her gloomy mood...

She was lost in thought, holding a few medical reports in her hand.

Avery's heart wrenched with guilt and sympathy as she studied Nina's silhouette.

She sank into the seat beside her and gently said, “Nina...”

Nina dove into Avery's embrace after hearing her voice and seeing Avery in front of her, tears streaming uncontrollably down her face.

She choked out, “I-I'm pregnant, Avery. I wanted to get an abortion, but the doctor said my uterine lining is too thin, and that if I had the abortion, I may never have children again. What should I do?”

“I'm sorry, I'm sorry...” Avery hugged her and repeatedly apologized, overwhelmed by guilt.

Nina wouldn't be in this situation if it weren't for me.

“Avery, did you know that I was dumbfounded when I found out I was pregnant? I didn't want to tell you at first, but I'm at a loss about what to do. I think I'm losing my mind. No one wants this baby. Its existence reminds me of the humiliation I have endured. But I might never be a mother again if I went ahead with the abortion.” Nina pinned Avery with a helpless and panicked look.

She was on the brink of a mental breakdown after the assault and had completely forgotten about taking oral contraceptives.

It was only later that she remembered this matter and immediately went to the pharmacy to get emergency contraception.

However, she had missed the window of effectiveness.

She never imagined she would be so unlucky as to get pregnant after being forced on by a man for the first time.

She handed the report to Avery with trembling hands, which included ultrasound, blood test, blood type, electrocardiogram, and other gynecological tests.

Nina's poor health surprised Avery, despite being in good physical condition.

Not to mention, abortion was not the best option for her frail body.

Furthermore, one slip-up during her pregnancy might lead to a miscarriage in her state of health.

“Nina, do you know who is the baby's father?” Avery sighed and gripped the report tightly, eyes stinging with tears.

Nina was pure as the driven snow. Avery knew better than anyone that, despite her boldness, she was innately innocent and chaste, even more so than herself, and that she would never fool around with a man.

Needless to say, the child she was carrying had to be related to the time Dylan held her captive.

Nina shook her head, tears pooling in her eyes, refusing to reveal the father's identity.

Thinking about day and night of humiliation was like flogging her heart with a barbed whip, leaving behind scarred, horrifying memories.

Avery stopped pressing for answers, knowing she wouldn't get any. Moreover, her questions had also picked at Nina's scars.

She wrapped her arm around Nina's shoulders, stifling her misery, and promised, “Listen to me. It's all my fault. Blame me if you want, but the child is innocent. Keep it if abortion isn't an option. I'll help you raise the child when it's born. I'll be the godmother, all right?”

Nina's hollow, haunted gaze held a spark. “I will never hold this against you, Ery. I was too careless. This wouldn't have happened if I had taken the contraceptive pill sooner. Besides, the culprit and cruel fate are to blame. It's okay, I was simply overcome by emotions. I'll be fine after a few days...”

She didn't know if the words were meant to comfort Avery or herself.

Avery led a feeble Nina out of the hospital.

Nina seemed to be in better spirits after listening to her advice.

They wanted to hail a taxi at the hospital entrance to take Nina home, but they were unprepared for the sight that greeted them—a garishly red convertible sports car parked out front.

A man with brown hair was in the back seat. He looked like a degenerate and exuded a darkly compelling aura.

He had his arms slung around two stunning women on each side. The left one looked alluring, while the one on the right had an innocent beauty.

The ladies were dressed scantily in revealing crop tops, with their legs bared in the cold weather.

The brown-haired man grasped the trim waist of the alluring girl while slanting his mouth on the innocent-looking girl's lips. This uninhibited behavior would not be accepted by anyone.

The alluring girl held his arm and said coyly, “Aaron, Trident Group just launched an exquisite diamond ring, and I really like it.”

“Aaron, I'd like an emerald necklace and a Louis Vuitton bag.” The other girl worked her charms, unwilling to be outdone.

The man pressed kisses on both of their lips and tightened his arms around them, exclaiming ostentatiously, “Okay, sweethearts. I'll get you anything you want!”

The girls cheered excitedly and held him tighter.

“People nowadays!” Avery muttered.

She had always avoided rakes like this.

However, Nina's eyes were snared by the brown-haired man.

It's Aaron Gibson!

Her gaze shone with hatred as if she was still trapped in a world of suffering.

She wanted nothing more than to tear him into pieces!

Avery was taken aback by her ferocious expression and tugged on her arm, concerned. “Are you okay, Nina?”

Nina withdrew her gaze and replied in a low voice, “I'm fine. Let's go.”

“Where to, Mr. Gibson?” The driver didn't even bat an eye as if he was already used to Aaron's lewd behavior.

He raised his head lazily and glanced at the driver, recognizing a familiar silhouette out of the corner of his eye.

Nina? What is she doing at the hospital?

His eyes lost their warmth and darkened.

He muttered something to the driver, who perceptively got out of the car and sped toward the hospital.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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