Just when Avery was focused on going through the documents, the department head led a few people who looked exceptionally eye-catching and walked over.

“Let me introduce them to all of you. This is the design manager from Vivi Group, and these are the core designers. Come forward and get to know each other.”

Avery then observed them attentively.

Other than the female design manager who seemed to be in her late thirties, the rest of the designers looked young.

“Hi, I'm Cecelia Zuckerberg, the leader of the design team from Trident Group. I look forward to working with you,” Cecelia said with a smile as she reached out her right hand to the female manager.

“I'm Yvette Fetterman.” The lady wore a solemn look as she briefly held Cecelia's hand.

Then, Trevor also shook hands with Yvette and introduced himself.

When it was Avery's turn, she reached out her hand too. “I'm Avery Rumpley. Nice to meet you.”

However, with an icy look, Yvette merely cast Avery a glance without shaking her hand.

The department head, Yulissa, was gloating secretly when she caught sight of that scene.

She had seized the chance to slander Avery in front of Yvette, telling her that Avery was accepted to the design department only because of her relationship with Cayden and that she was nothing but an incapable person with only good looks.

Yulissa knew that Yvette had always been upright, and the latter despised those who pulled strings to work things out in their favor.

After how Yulissa had vilified Avery, Yvette would definitely be straightforward and strict with Avery. It was pointless even if Avery was accepted into the project department, as she would only make a fool of herself by then.

Of course, Avery had no idea that Yulissa had spoken ill of her behind her back. Having been cold-shouldered by Yvette, Avery was slightly dejected that the smile on her face froze.

Feeling slightly helpless, Avery cast her gaze upon Cecelia.

Cecelia shot Avery an encouraging look and tried to get her out of the awkward situation. “Ms. Fetterman, Avery is new to the design department. Despite the fact that she is still fresh, she is truly talented. Previously, a client requested a design proposal, and the requirements were extremely stringent. All the designs done by our experienced staff were rejected, but only Avery's proposal was accepted. The client had only words of praise for Avery's design proposal. I believe that Avery's participation in our collaboration will be a great help.”

Upon hearing that, Yvette did not say a word. Instead, she stared at Avery with a meaningful look. “Let's head to the conference room for a meeting.”

Soon, the architects from Trident Group and the rest of them from Vivi Group arrived at the conference room on the upper floor.

While they were on their way there, Yvette remained apathetic and silent.

The other designers from Vivi Group also distanced themselves from Avery. Even though Avery was at a loss because of their actions, she could only follow them.

Feeling all eyes on her, Avery was in trepidation.

Among the designers from Vivi Group, there was an assistant manager named Gabriel Manderfield who was most likely in his thirties. He looked decent and gentle when he smiled.

The head of their design department, Madeline Bachmann, was a beauty.

Madeline had exquisite features and a curvy figure. She was young and captivating.

There was another young man, Michael Jennings, who was the team leader of the second design team.

He was handsome and looked shy when he smiled. Besides, he seemed like a quiet and polite person.

Avery tried her best to remember everyone from Vivi Group. After all, she would need to work with them often in the future, so she had to make sure to build good relationships with them.

Of course, when she was scrutinizing the designers from Vivi Group, the others were also doing the same to her.

The designers from Vivi Group had met Cecelia and Trevor before, and they had worked together more than once. Hence, they were confident in Cecelia's capability. They were only surprised to learn that a newbie in the industry was given the task to handle such an important project.

They were doubtful if a person as young as Avery who seemed to have just graduated from university would be able to handle a complicated task like this.

After learning that Avery had pulled strings to get into the department, the designers from Vivi Group looked at Avery with looks of disdain.

The meeting lasted more than an hour.

After that, Yvette handed a pile of documents to Avery. “All these documents are the information about the project. Avery, I wish you can memorize all of them well in these few days. We will look into the project the day after tomorrow. Do you have any questions?”

“No.” Avery had no choice but to take over the big pile of documents.

Obviously, Ms. Fetterman is asserting her dominance. As a newbie in the industry, I certainly am not in a position to comment on anything.

Back in the CEO's office, Cayden looked up from the two laptops placed in front of him. Trident Group's revenue had increased by several folds in the new quarter.

Moreover, he had taken a look at the design proposal done by Avery and noticed a significant improvement. His sexy lips curled into a satisfying smile as he thought of that.

Xavier noticed the smile on Cayden's face and asked worriedly, “Mr. Moore, Ms. Rumpley will become everyone's target because you've handed such an important project to a newbie like her. Besides, Ms. Fetterman from Vivi Group has always been strict in design, and she can't tolerate any kind of mistake. Do you think the pressure will be too much for Ms. Rumpley to handle?”

Everyone knew that Yvette was the top designer of Vivi Group. She was extremely skillful in design, and her skill was even better than Wisteria from Trident Group.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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