Colors dyed the evening sky as rays of warm yellow lights showered on the interior of a Bentley through its windows.

Over in the backseat, two children were sleeping peacefully with a thin blanket wrapped around them while Cayden drove.

Beside him in the passenger seat, Avery cradled her chin in her palm, staring at the bright billboards along the street. Something seemed to be on her mind.

“Does it still hurt?” With his left hand still on the steering wheel, Cayden reached out his right hand and caressed Avery's neck, which was wrapped in white gauze.

Then, he held her left hand tightly as if he was trying to comfort her.

Meeting his worried look when she gazed over at him, Avery shook her head lightly as she reflected on the incident at Azure Royal. “I just feel what happened was weird. Nicole's assistant didn't have to inject the virus even if she hates cats. Moreover, she doesn't seem bold enough to do something like that. On the contrary, Nicole looks more suspicious.”

Cayden gazed at Avery's pensive face and felt the urge to tell her that Nicole might be the actual culprit, but he did not want to add to her worry, so he just patted her head, saying, “Nicole is not as nice as she seems, so stay away from her if you can. If it becomes necessary for you to deal with her, make sure you keep your guard up, or else you might end up being taken advantage of without even knowing.”

Avery responded with a perfunctory hum.

Her instinct told her that Nicole was a scheming woman although both of them did not have many chances to interact with one another.

Besides, Avery was aware that Nicole had her eyes on Cayden, so she had no intention to get any closer to a crafty woman like Nicole.

When the subsequent day came, Avery went to work with a bandage around her neck.

Right when she set foot in the company, Cecelia went over and expressed surprise. “What happened to your neck, Avery? Did Mr. Moore get horny and perform too well? Is that why you are trying to cover the hickeys on your neck with a bandage?”

Cecelia's wild imagination rendered Avery speechless.

What's wrong with this woman? She's usually so mature and serious.

“Cecelia, a cat scratched my neck. That's why I have a bandage on. It's nothing like what you imagined,” Avery replied in slight exasperation.

“Ah. I knew it. I was just thinking that Mr. Moore loves you too much to torment you like that. He can't even bring himself to say anything stern to you.”

Then, Cecelia smiled cheekily at Avery. “Anyway, how did you get scratched by a cat? It's so careless of you. You're a grown woman. You should know better than to upset a cat.”

“It was an accident. The cat suddenly became aggressive. By the way, Cecelia, could you send me the updates regarding our cooperation with Vivi Group?” Avery asked as she turned on her laptop, ready to bury herself in work.

“Hold on. Let me email it to you.”

It had been more than a week since Avery started working with Vivi Group, so she had pretty much gotten used to Yvette's demanding attitude and her team's work style.

Although Yvette still belittled Avery and was unfriendly toward her, Michael, the second design team's leader, got along well with her.

In fact, Avery had learned a lot from that patient and talented young man.

As for Gabriel and Madeline, Avery tried her best not to cross them to avoid trouble after Cecelia had warned her about them.

While Avery was working away diligently, Yulissa, the head of the design department, sashayed over in her tight clothes.

As usual, the collar on her deep V-neck top sat on her voluptuous breast, and her tight mini-skirt showed off her slim and fair legs. A pleasant scent wafted in the air around her as she walked over.

Upon seeing the bandage on Avery's neck, a gloating look shone in her eyes. “Oh my, Avery! Who did you cross? I can't believe you still came to work after someone did that to you. Your professionalism is commendable!”

Avery was in no mood to talk to Yulissa, so she typed away on her keyboard and treated the woman as if she was not there.

The look in Yulissa's eyes turned cold at the sight. Hmph! What's with that attitude? You're just a small fry. You'll be crying when Ms. Summers comes back!

Yulissa suddenly felt restless when she thought of Wisteria, who was still not transferred back from Western Epea. Yulissa had been sending Wisteria daily updates on what happened back at the company over the past two months, but the latter still had not returned.

That deeply unsettled Yulissa.

Is Ms. Summers not afraid of Mr. Moore marrying Avery? If she becomes his wife... No! I can't let this happen! I need to do something!

Over at Quakersville, Nina, dressed in baggy pajamas, was trying to keep her sleepy eyes open as she took the trash out to the residential area's dumpster.

Just as she turned to leave, a white luxury car pulled up by the road.

Two bodyguards in black emerged before they opened the door for a strapping man, who then, along with the guards, got in Nina's way.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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