Needless to say, that includes my own family, not even when I was little.

Ever since Cayden was little, Jeffrey had been harsh on him, and Lily had always been hostile toward him. Furthermore, his biological mother wanted nothing but money from him.

That was why he was so touched when Blake gave him a monetary gift.

Although the monetary gift weighed almost nothing, he felt the weight of a boulder in his grip. So much so that his hands started trembling.

Cayden didn't want to take money from the old man, but the monetary gift meant a lot. I must accept it.

“Cayden, since it's from Grandpa, you should just accept it. Otherwise, Grandpa isn't going to let you leave. It's true that there's this tradition in my family,” Avery uttered gently while holding Cayden's arm.

Avery knew how bull-headed Blake was. If Cayden doesn't accept it, we won't be able to leave.

“Thank you, Grandpa.” At that moment, Cayden felt his throat drying up, and there was an indescribable sense of warmth in his heart.

“Daddy, we received monetary gifts as well! In fact, we received two each. Great-grandad and Grand-aunt gave them to us.” Zachary and Rory flipped through their backpacks.

A moment later, the kids whipped out two monetary gifts each from their backpacks and showed them off to Cayden and Avery happily.

Right before the little ones fell asleep the night before, the ever-so-gentle and loving Alina gave those monetary gifts to the kids.

Not only were Zachary and Rory used to receiving monetary gifts, but they were also rather sleepy at that time. Hence, they forgot to tell their parents about the monetary gifts they received.

When they saw Cayden receiving a monetary gift the next morning, the kids didn't want to be outdone, so they quickly took out theirs as well.

Seeing that, Cayden glanced at the twins fiercely and scolded, “Who taught you guys to hide your monetary gifts?”

The twins were startled by Cayden's stern gaze, so they quickly hid behind Avery.

Zachary lowered his head guiltily after that. Rory, on the other hand, explained, “We weren't hiding our monetary gifts, Daddy. Zach and I fell asleep last night, so we forgot to tell you and Mommy. We're sorry...”

Blake's heart ached when he saw how scared the kids were.

He then patted the twins' heads to offer comfort before lecturing Cayden, saying, “Don't scare the kids. I was the one who forced them to accept my monetary gifts.”

Evidently, Blake loved the twins very much.

Avery replied in a helpless tone, “Grandpa, don't spoil them. We have to go now. We'll come to visit when we're free. Take care of yourself, Grandpa. Aunt Alina, we're leaving now.”

Avery and her family left after she said goodbye to Blake and Alina.

Blake leaned on his cane and stood motionless by the residential area's entrance while staring blankly in the direction they left in.

After a long while, Alina held Blake's arm and urged, “Dad, it's cold outside, and you might catch a cold. I'll bring you in, okay?”

While being held by Alina, Blake staggered into the residential area. In a worrisome tone, he asked, “Lina, will Cayden find the monetary gift I gave him too little? After all, he's filthy rich.”

“How much did you give him, Dad?” Alina asked curiously.

“Eight hundred. I think it's okay, though.”

“That's good, Dad. Back home, the elderly would always give their grandson-in-law eight hundred. That's not a small amount. Furthermore, Cayden didn't take your monetary gift for its money. Instead, it symbolizes a gesture of acceptance.”

In reality, Cayden wouldn't pick up eight hundred off of the floor if he were to drop that amount of money. That was because he could earn a few hundred times more with that effort.

However, the monetary gift symbolized the acceptance and blessing Blake was giving to Cayden. Therefore, Cayden would appreciate it more than wealth itself.

“Ery is truly blessed. Although Cayden's character is unquestionable, being married into a wealthy family takes effort! The same thing happened to you back then. I told you not to marry the rich man from Jetroina, but you wouldn't listen. Look what happened now.” Blake sighed.

Blake's expression turned gloomy, and his face turned even more wrinkly the moment he remembered his only daughter's unsuccessful marriage.

A look of indescribable pain flashed across Alina's face when she heard that. Nonetheless, it only took her a few seconds to conceal her sadness. “Dad, although my marriage failed, that doesn't mean it's going to happen to Ery. I think Cayden is a good man, and he's definitely going to take good care of Ery. Don't worry about that. Everyone has their own fate. Ery will have a good life under his protection.”

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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