In the meantime, Nicole was at home since she had nothing to do that day.

Both William and Claire had some matters to attend to, while the housekeeper had returned home to celebrate New Year. That was why Nicole was all alone at home.

She was too lazy to cook an elaborate meal for herself, so she simply cooked some pasta instead.

While Nicole was eating her pasta, she turned on the TV and skipped the various entertainment programs before settling on a particular channel.

There was a drama series on that channel that she was starring in, and it was the day of its premiere.

At that moment, the drama had yet to begin airing, and the advertisements were ongoing. Nicole waited patiently.

All of a sudden, the image on the TV changed. It was the latest news update on the arson case.

A female reporter was holding a microphone and facing the camera. “We are now at the headquarters of Trident Group in Ackleton. Several reporters from various media companies are gathered here right now. Everyone is unhappy with the official statement given by Trident Group with regard to the arson case at Chartreuse Garden. Also, the victim, Mr. Xenakis, has apparently ended his own life by jumping off a building. It's said that this incident has something to do with Trident Group as well. We hope that Mr. Moore can clarify these matters...”

Nicole stopped eating and focused all her attention on the news.

There were too many people jostling about at the scene, and it was almost impossible for anyone to figure out who was who. However, Nicole spotted Cayden at one glance.

He was simply too eye-catching.

The sun was so glaring that it looked as if all the rays were shining down on Cayden alone.

His healthy-looking skin glowed under the bright sunlight, and even that sexy nose of his shone like a piece of jade.

Cayden stood amidst the chaotic scene in silence, looking both dignified and cold. It was as if he was not even there.

Nicole was so besotted with him that she could not take her eyes off him. In fact, she did not even blink once.

There was one thing she was looking forward to—how he was going to answer those tough questions.

Even more so, Nicole was dying to see Trident Group in trouble. She hoped that they would fail to disentangle themselves from the aftermath of the scandal. After all, if that were to happen, she could display her usefulness.

Everyone present was eagerly waiting for Cayden's responses to those accusations.

The reporters were busy filming and taking photos. No one wanted to miss a word Cayden would be saying.

Cayden was handsome and distant at the same time. He exuded the elegant air of a mature man effortlessly.

Facing the camera, he said coldly, “The death of Mr. Xenakis is purely accidental. Because of the sudden loss of his wife and children, Mr. Xenakis was so distraught and in such mental agony that he decided to take his own life. On behalf of Trident Group, I hereby express my deepest apologies to his family!”

His confident explanation of Anthony's suicide rendered everyone speechless in an instant.

Only Anthony's brother and sister-in-law screamed angrily, “Liar! My brother was threatened by Trident Group. That's why he ended his life! Cayden Moore, you are such a coward! After the incident, your real estate developer disappeared and did not apologize to my brother and his family. In fact, the fire records have even been tampered with as you attempted to destroy the evidence. How do you justify such despicable acts? I felt so sorry for my brother when he lost his family overnight. The house that he had worked so hard for was destroyed as well. Our family tried to pursue this matter using legal means, but we are just ordinary folks. Even our posts on Twitter were always deleted shortly after we posted them. Under such circumstances, most normal people would have gone crazy. That's why my brother chose to die!”

“Mr. Moore, is it true? After the incident, is it true that the fire records were falsified?”

“Mr. Moore, did you manipulate the public opinion and conceal all information that is not in favor of Trident Group? As a result, you upset the victim again?”

“Mr. Moore, is it true that you...”

The countless reporters rushed forward with their microphones held up high at Cayden. They were attempting to obtain the most shocking information from him so as to cause a stir in public opinion.

After all, Trident Group had always been very cautious in their dealings for so many years, and their image was positive, to say the least. There was barely any negative news about them. As such, they had gained the trust of the public.

This time around, the sudden scandal was well received by Trident Group's competitors. They viewed that as a golden opportunity to bring Trident Group down.

In fact, many of the reporters had been bribed by Trident Group's competitors to create more chaos.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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